
(苏教版)牛津英语六年级下册教案 unit5 period second

日期:2024-06-20 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:20次 大小:12409Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 5 the seasons The second period Teaching Target: 1.Be able to learn the words: weather, New York, best, countryside 2.Be able to grasp the phrases: be going to, sounds great, in the countryside, most of the time, make snowmen. 3.Be able to understand the general meaning of the text. Teaching Content; Part A Listen, read and say Teaching procedure: warming up: Greetings & Free talk: T: What day is it today S1: It’s … T: What date is it today S2: It’s the … T: It’s April now, so what’s the season now Ss: It’s spring, T: That’s true! Do you like spring Ss: Yes, we do. T: Me too! What’s the weather like in spring ( 引出新句型) S3: It’s warm and windy. ( 引导生运用上节课所学单词回答) Presentation: T: Look at these pictures, boys and girls. It’s a big city, do you know the name (幻灯片出示New York城市图片) Ss: New York! T: Here’s someone want to go to New York. Let’s listen to the tape and then try to answer some questions: (播放引言部分录音,通过问题来熟悉背景知识内容) 1.Who is going to New York 2.What does Su Yang want to know 3.Who is Su Yang asking for T: Su Yang’s father will work in New York for one year, so she needs to know the weather there. Luckily her classmate Ben can help her, because he’s from the USA, please read their dialogue and then tell me: What’s the weather like in New York Ss: OK! ( 生自读课文对话, 完成以下连线题,初步感知课文大意) Summer Very hot Autumn Cool sunny and windy Spring Rainy and warm Winter Very cold 通过核心词组的讲解,理解课文内容: T: which is the best season in New York (拓展补充知识: good, better, best/ many, more, most/ bad, worse, worst) Ss: It’s Autumn! T: What do people usually do in Autumn Ss: They usually go to farms in the countryside.(教授新词组, 拓展认知: city-town-countryside) T: What’s the weather like most of the time in spring Ss: It’s warm. T: What can you do in winter Ss: We can make snowmen. 三、practice: 观看课文动画,第二遍理解课文. Read the text after the tape Read in roles. 生根据实际情况, 操练句型: A: Which season do you like best B: I like … best! A: Why B; Because it’s … I can… consolidation: 根据实际情况,运用以下提示,描述家乡四季: There are four seasons in a year. They are… In spring, it’s … I can… In summer, it’s … I can… In autumn, it’s … I can… In winter, it’s … I can … I like … best, because I can …in …! Homework: 1.Recite the dialogue. 2.Make a short passage about seasons.

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