
外研版七年级英语下册期末练习题 阅读理解(含答案)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:10次 大小:463872Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 外研版七年级英语下册《阅读理解》 练习题(含答案) There was a rich boy who lived in a small town. One day a friend gave him a magic mirror (镜子). He liked it very much. He often looked into the mirror and he found that his face looked sad. He tried to smile and make funny faces, but his face still looked sad. Then he did many happy things, but his face always looked sad. He was so angry. The next day, he saw a little girl crying sadly on his way home from school. The rich boy went up to her and asked her what happened. The little girl said she couldn't find her parents. “Don't worry. I can help you.” said the boy. Then they went to look for her parents together. Finally they found her parents. The little girl and her parents appreciated the boy's help. They thanked him again and again and gave him a big hug. When the boy arrived home, he looked into the mirror as usual. To his surprise, his face looked happy. The boy understood the mirror. Helping others will bring true happiness. 1.The rich boy lived _____. A.in the forest B.in a small village C.in a big city D.in a small town 2.One day, the rich boy's friend gave him _____. A.a map of China B.a lot of money C.a magic mirror D.a basket of eggs 3.The little girl was crying because_____. A.she lost her bags B.the boy laughed at her C.the boy couldn't help her D.she couldn't find her parents 4.What does the underlined word “appreciate” mean? A.恳求 B.抱怨 C.感激 D.体会 5.From the story we can know that the boy was_____. A.careful B.helpful C.clever D.Silly Today Han Mei’s classmates are having an art lesson in the park. Now they are playing near the lake. The boy in black is flying a kite. He is Li Lei. The girl in red is reading a book. Who is she? Ha, she’s just Han Mei. Lucy and Lily are twins. They look the same (相似的) and they are dancing under a big tree. There is a boat on the lake. Mrs. Green and Mrs. Brown are in the boat. They are their teachers. And now the children are drawing pictures on the grass near the lake. The teachers are teaching how to draw pictures. But what is Joe doing? Oh, he is looking for his pencil case. 6.Why are the children in the park today? A.Because they have no classes today. B.Because they like playing in the park. C.Because they’re having a class. D.Because their teachers aren’t busy today. 7.What is Han Mei doing? A.She is drawing a picture. B.She is flying a kite. C.She is looking for her pencil case. D.She is reading a book. 8.How many children are mentioned (提到) in the passage? A.Four. B.Five. C.Six. D.Seven. 9.Where are the girls dancing? A.Under the tree. B.In a boat. C.Near the lake. D.In the classroom. 10.Who is Mrs. Green? A.She is their English teacher. B.She is Joe’s mother. C.She is their art teacher. D.She is their friend. This weekend my sister Carla and I are going to see a new film The BFG (《圆梦巨人》). The story is from a book by British writer Roald ... ...

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