
四年级下册英语表格式教案 Unit 4 I have a new friend The first period 辽师大版(三起)(含反 思)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:83次 大小:15696Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Teaching design Title Unit 4 I have a new friend. 课型/课时 New/The first period Teaching aims 1.Ss can master the new dialogue “Is he/she …? Yes , she / he is . No , he / she isn’t.”by making situation and use them in real situation then copy them on their books. 2.Ss can read the new dialogue of “Look ,Listen and repeat”freely and correctly by practice. 3.Foster the Ss’ability of cooperation with others. Important point Ss can use the new dialogue“Is he/she …? Yes , she / he is . No , he / she isn’t.” Difficult point Ss can act the new dialogue of Part A with their partners. Knowledge links Know English songs and chants about person. 教 学 过 程 教学内容及教师指导 学生活动及设计意图 Step1. Warming up and Revision. T says “Hello”to Ss. T shows CAI. Step2 Presentation and Drill. T shows CAI and introduces the family photo . T shows CAI and teaches new words :old young clever beautiful thin T teaches the sentences : Is he /she ...? Yes , he/she is . No , he /she isn’t. Play games . A guessing game A special friend . Step 3. Practice T plays the recorder and ask: Who is Xiao Hui’s friend? Where is Helen from ? T plays the recorder again . T directs Ss to practise T directs Ss to read Fill in the blanks . T shows the pictures . Step4. Consolidation and Extension Play a game : Who is my friend? T directs Ss to play a game. T and Ss sum up the importance. T shows the homework: Read the new dialogue with their partners. Ss say “Hello”to T Ss sing a song: We are one family. Ss look at the screen and listen to the teacher. Ss learn the new words. Ss practice the words . Ss understand and practise the new sentences. Ss play the games together. Ask and answer. Ss listen to the tape and answer the questions . Ss listen to the tape and repeat . Ss practise the new dialogue in working groups. Ss read the new dialogue with their partners. Ss say the sentences. Ss play the game in groups. Ss play a game. Ss read the importance together. Ss finish the homework after class. 旧知的复习激活了学生的思维,为新知的呈现起到了很的铺垫作用。 利用多媒体课件创设情境,学生探索新知的欲望非常强烈,积极主动地进行学习。真实的情境可以更好地帮助学生理解、感知句型,便于学生更好地掌握. 各种形式的练习全方位有效地提高学生的听、说、读的技能,小组间的合作更好地提高了综合语言运用能力。 拓展环节的调查和游戏活化了重点,使所学得到了实际灵活运用。 有效的作业可以帮助学生更好地掌握和巩固重点,强化记忆,使课堂教学得以延伸和补充。 板 书 设 计 Unit 4 I have a new friend. Is he /she old/young/clever/beautiful/thin? Yes , he/she is . No , he /she isn’t. 教 学 反 思 教师在愉快、民主的氛围中完成了重点句型“Is he /she old/young/clever/beautiful/thin? Yes , he/she is .No , he /she isn’t.”的教学。学生在多种形式的活动和游戏中掌握了并强化了重点,可以在真实的情境中运用对话。但是小组合作情况不是很好,一小部分同学无法融入到课堂中来,开口有困难,需要在以后的课堂教学中设计多样的、小学生喜闻乐见的活动形式,提高学生的积极性和兴趣,让他们都积极参与到课堂中来! 教 学 设 计 Unit 4 -- 绥中县实验 ... ...

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