
六年级下册英语表格式教案-Unit 8 Our community 辽师大版(三起)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:16次 大小:52736Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课题 Unit8 Our community. 课型 New 课时 2 主备 教师 负责 领导 教学 目标 Aims on the knowledge: Students will be able to master the new structures “there be…”; To use the sentence patterns “there is a small lake in front of my building./there are some books on the …” in real situations. Aims on the abilities: Students will be able to develop the abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing; To be able to create the conditions and make dialogues by using the sentence patterns. Aims on the emotion: Students should keep clean in our community; To develop a good study habit of learning English. 教学重点 Master the new structures “there be… 教学难点 Use the sentences in real situations freely and correctly.. 核心问题 There is…/ There are… 教学方法 Situational Teaching Method “Task-base” Teaching Method. 教学 环节 教学活动 学生活动 设计意图 StepⅠ 5’ Warming up Greetings to each other. Sing an English song . Free talk : 1)Describe the pictures by using“there be...” 2)Look around the classroom,then describe it with your partner? Greetings Sing together. Ss look around and have a free talk by using “there be…” 热情的问候,快速拉近师生距离。 说唱复习旧知,增加课堂的趣味性。 让话题与学生身旁的事物密切相关,减少学生对使用英语描述事物所产生的焦虑。 StepⅡ 16’ Presentation and drills ”Find the differences” a) T: shows the pictures of part 5, let Ss find the differences, then fill in the chart in groups. Picture A Picture B lamp On the chair bag basketball shoes ... b) Get students to talk about it by using “ there be…” to practice the conversations. Eg. There is a bag on the desk in picture 1. There’s a basketball on the bed in picture 1,but there is a lamp under the chair in picture 2. There are some dolls on the bed in picture 2 , but there are some dolls on the desk in picture 1. ...... Have a try (Show the ppt) (A)Fill in the blanks 1)There___some rulers in the box. 2)There___ a pencil in the box. 3)There___a cat and two birds. 4)There____two birds and a cat. (B) Try to find out the secret of “there be” : Ss think and talk. Summary: There be是个近视眼。be动词单复数形式要跟there be之后的第一个主语保持一致,如果第一个主语是单数或不可数名词用is,如果第一个主语是复数用are。这又被为“就近原则”。 3. Look again and answer the questions : Q1.How many dolls in picture 1? Q2.How many things in picture 2? Look at two pictures, find the differences finish “find , write and say” in pairs. Practice conversations . Ss fill in the blanks. Make a Conclusion by themselves. Answer the questions “找茬”游戏,能让学生通过简单直观的图片,操练“there be” 句型;让学生在潜意识中熟悉“there be” 句型的用法。 通过练习对话,引导学生发现其中的规律。培养学生自主探究和解决问题的能力。 通过实际操练进一步引导学生,让学生自己总结出there be句型的特点。 StepⅢ 16’ Consolidation 1.Read and write fill in the blanks using the words from the “Word Bank”. Read the passage, think about these questions 1)How many desks are there in Linda’s classro ... ...

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