
Unit6 Keep our city clean (四课时)教案

日期:2024-05-26 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:35次 大小:83456Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit6 Keep our city clean教案 第1课时 【内容来源】译林版(六年级)上册Unit6 【主 题】Keep our city clean 【课 时】第1课时:Story time; Fun time 一、板块介绍 Story time: 本部分呈现了Miss Li给学生们上课的情景。Miss Li先呈现了一组图片,让学生们意识到我们的城市因为垃圾和污染已经变得污秽不堪。Miss Li接下来让学生们展开讨论,就如何保持城市整洁献计献策。 Fun time: 这是一个海报制作活动,要求学生运用本单元学过的句型We can…设计和制作关于保持学校环境清洁的海报。在活动时,教师可以把全班划分为四组,并分给每组一张画有大树干的宣传画以及小叶子形状纸片若干。每组成员把想到的建议写在小叶子纸片上,然后把小叶子贴在自己小组的树干上。树干上叶子最多的小组获胜。在活动前,教师可以带领学生先复习本单元的相关词句,为活动的顺利开展做准备。 二、教学目标 1、能听懂、会说、会读、会写clean, dirty, bins, a factory, rubbish, smoke. 2、能听懂、会说、会读Story time中的故事,并能够熟练复述出来。 3、通过本节课的学习,培养学生养成保持城市整洁的习惯。 三、教学重难点 通过本节课的学习,让学生能够在日常生活中对常见的城市污染问题进行描述。 四、教学准备 教学课件、课文录音、动画、教材图片 五、教学过程 Step 1: Warm-up/Lead-in 1. 歌曲导入 教师利用多媒体播放Song time的歌曲Two little blackbirds, 然后给出几个关于鸟的问题,要求学生讨论,引出本单元话题。如: 1)Do you like birds? 2)What birds do you know? 3)Can you see any birds near your home? 4)Can you see any birds in our city? 5)Where can you see any birds? 2. 图片导入 教师向学生展示两组城市图片。第一组图片呈现风景优美、环境幽雅的城市,第二组图片呈现一个污染严重、又脏又乱的城市。然后提出问题让学生思考和讨论,引入话题。如: T: These pictures are of City A. What can you see in these pictures? S1: I can see a lot of beautiful flowers and trees. S2: I can see some tall buildings. S3: I can see a clean river. S4: I can see some birds in the blue sky. S5: I can see some clean streets. S6: People are happy in this city. … T: Do you like City A? Why? … T: Now let’s look at some pictures of City B. What can you see? S1: I can see a grey sky. S2: I can see a dirty river. S3: I can see a lot of cars in the streets. S5: I can see a lot of rubbish in the streets. S6: People are sad in this city. … T: Do you like City B? Why? What’s wrong with City B? Step 2: Presentation/Practice 1. 呈现课文第一部分,教授目标词汇和句型 教师展示课文图片,播放课文第一部分录音,然后在问答中教授目标词汇clean, dirty smoke factory, rubbish, messy, dead和新句型What makes our city dirty? 及答 句 ... makes … messy/dirty。教师在此过程中要注意为学生搭建语言框架,逐步引入新句型,如: T: Miss Li is showing her students some pictures of their city. What can you see in the pictures? S1: I can see a river. There are some fish in it. T: Yes. There are some fish in it, but the fish are dead. There are some dead fish in the river. Is the river clean or dirty? (板书clean和dirty) Ss: It‘s dirty. T: Right. The river is dirty. It’s not clean. What else can you see? S2: I can see some cars. T: (板书smoke) Yes. There’s some smoke from the cars. Can you see that? S2: Yes. Ss: Smoke. T: Whe ... ...

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