

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:33次 大小:93670Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    甘肃省金昌市金川区宁远中学2019-2020学年三年级下学期英语期末考试试卷 一、根据汉语意思补全单词,选出正确答案。(5分) 1.(2020三下·金川期末)hands_____me(英俊的) A.o B.a C.e 2.(2020三下·金川期末)b_____utiful(美丽的) A.eo B.ea C.ao 3.(2020三下·金川期末)f____ding the fish(正在喂鱼) A.eo B.ea C.ee 4.(2020三下·金川期末)t_____let(厕所) A.oi B.io C.ai 5.(2020三下·金川期末)c_____sin(堂兄弟) A.au B.ou C.or 二、为下列词组找到正确的汉语意思。(5分) 6.(2020三下·金川期末)为下列词组找到正确的汉语意思 A. 下棋 B. 看电视 C. 餐厅 D. 新沙发 E. 正在包饺子 (1)making dumplings     (2)play chess     (3)watch TV     (4)new sofas     (5)dining room     三、选出不同类的单词或词组。(5分) 7.(2020三下·金川期末)选出不同类的单词或词组() A.play sports B.play chess C.aunt 8.(2020三下·金川期末)选出不同类的单词() A.science B.music C.run 9.(2020三下·金川期末)选出不同类的单词() A.one B.second C.third 10.(2020三下·金川期末)选出不同类的单词() A.bathroom B.know C.bedroom 11.(2020三下·金川期末)选出不同类的词组() A.cooking dinner B.fly a kite C.watching TV 四、选择正确答案。(10分) 12.(2020三下·金川期末)A tiger's home is _____ the forest. A.in B.on C.at 13.(2020三下·金川期末)She is cooking _____ my mum. A.in B.for C.with 14.(2020三下·金川期末)She is cleaning _____ room now. A.his B.she C.her 15.(2020三下·金川期末)My father is walking the dog in the _____. A.bedroom B.garden C.kitchen 16.(2020三下·金川期末)He has short _____and big _____. A.hair, eye B.hair, eyes C.hairs, eye 17.(2020三下·金川期末)Bill doesn't like PE. He thinks it's _____. A.fun B.boring C.interesting 18.(2020三下·金川期末)Our school building _____ three floors. A.have B.had C.has 19.(2020三下·金川期末)I am _____ music. A.listening B.listen to C.listening to 20.(2020三下·金川期末)There _____ two bedrooms. A.is B.are C.be 21.(2020三下·金川期末)We have _____art room on the _____ floor. A.a, third B.an, third C.an, there 五、连词成句。(10分) 22.(2020三下·金川期末)aunt What's doing your 23.(2020三下·金川期末)am home I uncle's at my. 24.(2020三下·金川期末)your Is man that uncle 25.(2020三下·金川期末)is Where grandfather your 26.(2020三下·金川期末)are going What do you to after school 六、选出问句的正确答句。(10分) 27.(2020三下·金川期末)选出问句的正确答句 ⑴Can you help me     A. It's in the kitchen. ⑵Thank you very much.    B. It's a fridge. ⑶Where is it     C. She is my mother. ⑷What is this     D. You're welcome. ⑸Who's she     E. We like English. ⑹What does he look like     F. On Monday. ⑺Do you like dancing     G. No, he isn't. ⑻Is he your brother     H. Yes, I do. ⑼When do you have Chinese     I. He is tall and handsome. ⑽What class do you like     J. Sure 七、情景交际。(10分) 28.(2020三下·金川期末)当你想打扰对方时,应说:_____. A.How are you B.Excuse me! 29.(2020三下·金川期末)当你 ... ...

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