
湘鲁版六年级下册Unit 5 We are going to learn about Chinese festivals.Section A教案

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:18次 大小:32768Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit5 We are going to learn about Chinese Festivals ? Section A 教案 一、教学目标 1.知识目标: (1). 四会单词:topic、start with、 start、 long ago 、good luck 、Dragon Boat Festival、 fifth、 body 、moon cake、 Spring Festival、 Mid-autumn Festival 、jiaozi 、zongzi。 (2). 能听懂并会用所学句型When did the Spring Festival start? It started very long ago. People made moon cakes to celebrate the autumn.等进行问答对话和表述,掌握课文中出现的生词。 2.能力目标: 能用所学词语或句子谈论中国传统节日。 3.情感目标: 让学生初步了解我国的风土人情和节日的文化习俗,并积极向国际友人介绍、宣传。 二、学情分析 经过三年的学习,六年级学生已具备一定的英语水平。这一课时的教学内容来源于学生的日常生活,让学生初步了解我国的风土人情和节日的文化习俗,并积极向国际友人介绍、宣传。 三、教学重点、难点 New words: topic、start with、 start、 long ago 、good luck 、Dragon Boat Festival、 fifth、 body 、moon cake、 Spring Festival、 Mid-autumn Festival 、jiaozi 、zongzi。 New structures:When did the Spring Festival start? It started very long ago. People made moon cakes to celebrate the autumn. 四、教具准备 本堂课所用的课件 五、教学过程 Step1. Lead-in T: Class begins ! S: Stand up ! Good morning , teacher ! T: Good morning , students ! Nice to meet you ! S:Nice to meet you , too! T: How are you ? S: I’m fine ,thank you . T: Sit down please ! S: Thank you , teacher ! T: Welcome to our class . Now is our English time. First, let’s watch a small video . What’s the small video about ? (教师打开多媒体,播放小视频) S: 中国新年。 T: Yes,Chinese New Year . What other Chinese Festivals do you know ?Now let’s learn Unit5 We are going to learn about Chinese festivals. 。 Step 2. Presentation: 呈现教学目标 T: 先后呈现Spring Festival 、Dragon Boat Festival、Mid-autumn Festival 的图片,让学生根据图片,认读单词。 S: 学生跟读三遍 T: Game: What’s missing?: S:Mid-autumn Festival 、moon cakes 、zongzi 、Dragon Boat Festival、jiaozi、Spring Festival T: Yeah, very good . T: (呈现生病的图片引出短语)Look and match S: Say the right answers . T: Great . (继续呈现单词图片引出speak, hear ) T: Present “Look, listen and act ” . Q1:When did the Spring Festival start? Q2:How did the Dragon Boat Festival start? Q3:What do people make to celebrate the autumn? S:快速阅读并找出答案,找同学说出答案,老师核对。 S:1、Listen and imitate 2、Read it by yourselves for one minute. 自读课文一分钟。 Learning tip: 当你自己朗读时,遇到不会读或不明白意思的单词或句子,可以把它圈起来,请教同学或老师! Step 3.Show Time T: 小组合作,练习对话并表演,其他同学评价。 Step4. Listen and say 学生们能够看着图片快速说出单词。 Pupil A: When did the Spring Festival start? Pupil B: It started very long ago. Step 5 Summary 本节课学的单词有:topic, start with, start, long ago,good luck , Dragon Boat Festival, fifth, body , moon cake, Spring Festival, Mid-autumn Festival, jiaozi, zongzi. 本节课所学重点句子有:When did the Spring Festival start? It started very long ago. People made moon cakes to celebrate the autumn.Step 6【作业】Homewo ... ...

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