
初英考点精讲 192 打电话使用互联网写信【知识点微课课件】

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:49次 大小:1991294Byte 来源:二一课件通
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打电话 使用互联网 写信 激趣导入 考点聚焦 1、单词 2、词组 3、句型 考点一 单词 知识梳理 1.?call?喊,叫;电话,通话? 2.?message?消息,音讯? 3.?news?新闻,消息? 4.?newspaper?报纸? 5.?phone?电话机? 6.?radio?无线电,收音机? 7.?ring?电话,铃声? 8.?tape?磁带;录音带? 9.?video?录像,视频?? 10.?Internet 互联网;因特网? 考点一 单词 知识梳理 11.?computer?电子计算机? 12.?keyboard?键盘? 13.?screen幕,荧光屏? 14.?menu?菜单? 15.?website(互联网)网站? 16.?instruction?说明,须知;教导 17.?copy?抄本,副本; 18.?letter?信? 19.?e-mail电子邮件? 20.?send?送,邮寄? 21.?call=?phone=?telephone?=ring打电话给?? 考点二 词组 知识梳理 call?up hang?on hang?up hear?from hold?on on/over?the?radio 等一等(别挂电话) 打电话 通过收音机 收到……的来信 (打电话时)不挂断 挂断电话 考点二 词组 知识梳理 ring?back ring?off ring?up talk?with/to write?to 与……谈话 写信给…… 打电话给? 回电话 挂断电话 考点三 句型 知识梳理 手机使我们与其他人的快速联系变得容易。 我认为最有用的发明是电脑。 人们用微信和QQ彼此交流,而不是发送邮件。 请注意网络安全。 互联网很实用,并且被广泛应用。 (1)Mobile phones make it easy for us to get in touch with others quickly. (2)I think the most helpful invention is the computer. (3)People use WeChat or QQ to communicate with each other instead of sending e-mails。 (4)Please pay attention to the safety of surfing the Internet. (5)The Internet is very helpful and is widely used. 考点三 句型 知识梳理 我们可以通过网络发电子邮件。 我认为电脑是世界上最有用的发明之一。 手机可以用来发信息。 越来越多的人对网络感兴趣。 学生不应花太多的时间玩电脑游戏。 (6)We can send-mails through the Internet. (7)I think a computer is one of the most useful inventions in the world. (8)Mobile phone can be used for sending messages/information. (9)More and more people are interested in the Internet. (10)Students shouldn‘t spend too much time playing computer games. 典例剖析 Next time you‘ re in a public place, take a look around you. And count how many people are using 1_____ phones. I can tell you now that it is probably more than half, whether you re on a bus, in a cafe or simply walking 2_____ the street. I’ m not saying that I am not an example of this, but it always amazes (使惊愕) me how people can 3_____ so much time on their phones without talking to others. Has it gone too far? Recently, 4_____ smart phone broke and had to be sent off for repair for a week or so. I had to use a really old, basic phone just to keep me in 5_____with my family and friends. All I could do on this phone was to send text messages, make calls and play one 6 _____ . And I loved it. I loved being free from the Internet, and I really didn‘t 7_____ not having updates (更新) about what my friends were doing. It 8_____ me to spend more time enjoying my time in London and watching the people around me and really see what was going on. However, I knew that as soon as I got my smart phone back I would be one of 9_____ people once again. Perhaps I should just go back to using the 10_____ phone and fo ... ...

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