
初英考点精讲 同课异构 194 疾病健康饮食【知识点微课课件】

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:90次 大小:1726464Byte 来源:二一课件通
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疾病健康饮食 一、激趣导入 二、考点剖析 1. nutrition n 营养 2. diet n. 饮食 3. fat n.脂肪 4. vitamin n. 维生素 5. fiber n.纤维 6. mineral n.矿物质 7. calorie n. 卡路里 8. vegetable n.蔬菜 9. fruit n.水果 10. junk food 垃圾食品 11. snacks n. 零食 12. alcohol n. 酒精 13. eyesight n. 视力 14. green/organic food 绿色食物 15. menu:目录 16. bread:面包? 17. milk:牛奶 18. noodles:面条 单词: 1. nutrition n 营养 2. diet n. 饮食 3. fat n.脂肪 4. vitamin n. 维生素 5. fiber n.纤维 6. mineral n.矿物质 7. calorie n. 卡路里 8. vegetable n.蔬菜 9. fruit n.水果 10. junk food 垃圾食品 11. snacks n. 零食 12. alcohol n. 酒精 13. eyesight n. 视力 14. green/organic food 绿色食物 15. menu:目录, 菜单 16. bread:面包? 17. milk:牛奶 18. noodles:面条 二、考点剖析 单词: 19. rice:米饭 20. potato:土豆 21. beef:牛肉 22. grains:谷物 23. restaurant:餐厅 24. hamburger:汉堡 25. cola:可乐 26. healthy:健康 27. unhealthy:不健康 28. waiter:服务生 29. traditional:传统的 30. service:服务 31. knife:刀 32. fork:叉子 33. contain: 34. dish:盘子 19. rice:米饭 20. potato:土豆 21. beef:牛肉 22. grains:谷物 23. restaurant:餐厅 24. hamburger:汉堡 25. cola:可乐 26. healthy:健康 27. unhealthy:不健康 28. waiter:服务生 29. traditional:传统的 30. service:服务 31. knife:刀 32. fork:叉子 33. contain:包含 34. dish:盘子 二、考点剖析 词组: restaurant review order food have dinner fried food stay away from a glass of lemon tea 远离 餐厅评论 一杯柠檬茶 油炸食品 订购食品 用餐 二、考点剖析 词组: soft drinks lose weight medical examination plenty of treat oneself to coffee with milk and sugar 减肥 体格检查 加牛奶和糖的咖啡 大量的 饮料 对待自己…… 二、考点剖析 词组: chicken wings different kinds of… change one’s diet fast food be good for be bad for 快餐 鸡翅 是坏的 不同种类的… 改变一个人的饮食 有利于 1、I have bread and eggs for breakfast. 2、It’s necessary to have a balanced diet. 3、Here is some advice. 4、Try to order dishes with vegetables and low-fat meats. 二、考点剖析 句型: 我早餐吃面包和鸡蛋。 均衡的饮食是必要的。 这里是一些建议。 试着点些蔬菜和低脂肉类。 一天一苹果,医生远离我。 健康胜于财富。 健康就是幸福。 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。 二、考点剖析 句型: 5、An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 6、Health is better than wealth. 7、Health is happiness. 8、He who has health has hope. 二、考点剖析 信息归纳: 1. Health 2. Taking more exercise 3. In the evening or afternoon 4. Eat healthily 5. Students will have enough energy to study the next day. 二、考点剖析 信息归纳: E G A D B 二、考点剖析 书面表达: 二、考点剖析 书面表达: Dear?students, As we all know, good health is important for success in the exams. Now, I’m writing to tell you about that during this period of time. First, you need to get up early and go to bed early to ensure enough sleep. Second, as a saying goes “you are what you eat”, I suggest you have a balanced diet and avoid eating junk food these days. Third, Although you will be very busy, I still suggest you had better spend some time pl ... ...

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