
【初一零起点】五步英语速成lesson 21微课视频+配套PPT

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中视频 查看:33次 大小:433027881Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Lesson 21 Who's the young woman in yellow? 1 Review English letters(复习英文字母) Aa[er] Bb[bi: Ccsi」] Dd[di Ee[i:] FfLef] Gg[d3: i Hh[] Ii[ar] Jjld3el] Kk[ke门 LLel] Mm[em] Nn[en] Ooleu] Pplpi: I Qqlkju Rrna sIes Tt[ti: Uulju:] Wwl'dab!ju:]x[eks」] Yy[war] Zz[zed]; [zi 2 Key words and phrases(重点词汇) [ti:]n.树 daughter['do:t]n.女儿 aunt[a: nt]n姨,姑,舅母,婶母 family tree faemIli tri:]家谱 uncle["Ank]n叔,伯,舅,姨父,姑父 son[sAn]n.儿子 brother[brAa]n.兄,弟 parent[ peasant]n父母亲 grandparent! graenpearant]n祖父/母,外祖父母| father [fa: oa]n父亲 cousin[kAzn]n堂表姐妹,堂/表兄弟 mother[mA0]n母亲 3. Draw a family tre画家谱 grandfather grandmother father; mother uncle: aunt daughter son daughter 3: Han Mei's grandfather is Han Mei's mother's father Han mei,'s aunt is han mei,'s father's sister Learn the following dialogue(学习下列对话 A: Who's the young woman in yellow? B: She's my aunt. my mother's sister A Is the old man in a white shirt your grandfather? B: Yes, hes my grandfather, my father's father

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