
初中新概念英语 第一册 Lesson 129-130 课件(共102张PPT)+音频

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:47次 大小:12158259Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) expressway Exit Entrance Parking No parking No tooting Speed limit 世界卫生组织(WHO)10月8日在日内瓦最新公布的统计报告显示,中国平均每天有600多人死于各种交通事故。 Lesson 130 He can’t have been… He must have been… New words and expressions 生词和短语 Unit 65 wave track mile smile over take overtake sign driving lice nce licence charge darling speed limit wave??[weiv] vt. 向…挥手示意 Jessica saw Lois and waved to her. 杰茜卡看到洛伊丝,向她挥了挥手。 He smiled, waved, and said, "Hi!" 他咧嘴笑笑,挥挥手,说道:“嗨!” 2) vi. 波动;起伏; ...grass and flowers waving in the wind. …随风摆动的花草。 3) n. 波动;波浪; She felt a wave of panic ['p?nik] , but forced herself to leave the room calmly ['kɑ:mli] . 她感到一阵惊慌,但是强迫自己镇静地离开了房间。 The shock waves of the earthquake ['?:θkweik] were felt in Sichuan. 在四川感觉到了地震的震波。 That policeman’s waving to you. wave to sb. 向某人招手 track [tr?k] 1)n. 轨道;足迹,踪迹;小道;铁道 ...the athletics [?θ'letiks] track. …那条运动员跑道。 A cow stood on the tracks. 一头奶牛站在铁轨上。 The only evidence of pandas was their tracks in the snow. 有熊猫活动的惟一证据就是它们在雪中的足迹。 2)vt. 追踪;通过;循路而行 He thought he had better track this wolf and see where it lived. 他认为他最好跟踪这只狼,并看看它在哪儿生活。 Our radar began tracking the jets. 我们的雷达开始追踪那些喷气式飞机。 On a race track? n. 足迹;(火车等的)轨道 lose track 失去联系 Phrase track and field 田径;田径赛 on track 走上正轨 keep track of 记录;与…保持联系 on the right track 正确地;走对路了;未离题的 railway track 铁路轨道 on the track of 追踪 mile? [mail] n. 英里;一英里赛跑;较大的距离 She lives just half a mile away. 她就住在半英里之外。 miles away 相隔千里,千里之外;心不在焉 run a mile 避而远之 last mile (死刑犯从牢房走到刑场的)最后路程 sea mile 海里 golden mile 黄金地带 overtake [,?uv?'teik] 1)vi. 超车 to overtake over a police car 从警车旁超车而过 Never overtake on a curve. 在转弯处千万不要超车! 2)vt. 赶上;压倒;突然来袭 to overtake someone 追上某人 Something like panic overtook me in a flood. 一种类似恐慌的感觉在一次洪水中压倒了我。 We managed to overtake the last train. 我们设法赶上了末班火车。 speed?limit? 速度限制;最高车速 Speed-limit sign速限标志 speed limit最高车速;速度限制 Don't drive so fast! You must keep within the speed limit. 别开得那么快! 你必须把速度限制在规定的范围内。 I was fined $158 for exceeding the speed limit by 15 mph. 我因超限速15英里每小时被罚了$158。 dream??[dri:m] 1)vt. 梦想;做梦;想到 As a schoolgirl, she had dreamed of becoming an actress. 当她是一名女学生的时候,她曾梦想过成为一名女演员。 She dreamed about her baby. 她梦见了她的小宝贝。 2)vi. 梦想;做梦,梦见;想到 I wouldn't dream of making fun of you. 我决不会拿你取乐。 I dream that my son will attend college. 我梦想着我的儿子将来能上大学。 3)n. 梦想,愿望;梦 He had finally accomplished his dream of becoming a pilot. 他最终实现了成为了 ... ...

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