
Unit 7 What's the matter(Story time)课件(共38张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:24次 大小:8645632Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit7 What’s the matter? (Story time) Feelings(感觉、感受) happy 如果看到了一个单词或图片,请大家把它大声读出来。 如果你看到这张图片 请拍手两次。 happy sad hungry hot cold warm Learning aims I can talk about feelings. 我会谈论感受。 I can use “What’s the matter?” 我会使用句型“What’s the matter?”。 I can understand and act story time. 我能理解并表演课文故事。 How to ask feelings? 怎样询问感觉? Let’s think Are you…? What’s the matter? ? Let’s chant matter,matter, What’s the matter? happy, happy, I’m happy. matter,matter, What’s the matter? _____,_____, I’m _____. What’s the matter ? water(水) some water What can you see ? … What’s the matter with Taotao? Taotao happy thirsty hungry tired √ √ Listen and tick I’m not hungry. I’m thirsty. thirsty (渴) thirty What’s the matter, Taotao? Are you ill? No,but I’m tired. tired (累的) ill 生病的 How does LiuTao ask for help? 刘涛是怎样寻求帮助的? Can I have …? I want to… A: Can I have a/an /some…? B:Here you are. How to care about others ? 怎样关心他人? Read and underline: 请同学们自读课文,并在文章中划出爸爸妈妈是怎么关心刘涛的句子? How do the parents care about Liu Tao? 刘涛的父母是怎样关心刘涛的? Are you …? What’s the matter? Come and … I want to go to … I want to sit on the… Listen and imitate! Listen carefully and try to imitate the pronunciation and intonation. 仔细听,注意模仿语音语调! Come and have a pie, Taotao. Thanks, Dad, but I’m not hungry. I’m thirsty. Let’s read ! Can I have some water, Mum? Thank you, Mum. Here you are. What’s the matter, Taotao? Are you ill? No, but I’m tired. I want to go to bed. Good night, dear. Good night, Mum and Dad. Let’s read together ! Happy reading! Read together! (齐读) Read after one! (小老师领读) Read in roles! (分角色朗读) Good! 语音语调正确。 四人小组有感情朗读故事,注意语音语调,并加上动作哦! Happy reading! Great! 语音语调正确, 声音响亮。 Wonderful! 语音语调正确, 声音响亮, 伴有动作。 Liu Tao is at home. He doesn‘t want to have a . He’s not . He’s . He wants to some . And he’s not . He’s . He wants to . He says “ ” to his Mum and Dad. pie thirsty hungry ill have go to bed water tired Good night Let’s retell 不同状况,该做什么事? Let’s summary! happy sad hungry tired thirsty ill hungry———eat 身体状况 thirsty———drink tired———go to bed… ill———see a doctor… sad———try to be happy Let’s love and care about our parents and do some nice things for them. 让我们爱爸爸和妈妈, 并为他们做一些力 所能及的事! Let’s think Let’s check I can talk about feelings. 我会谈论感受。 I can use “What’s the matter?” 我会使用句型“What’s the matter?”。 I can understand and act story time. 我能理解并表演课文故事。 1.Read the text and try to recite Story time 模仿朗读并试着背诵课文。 2.Do something for your parents 为父母做一些力所能及的事。 Homework ... ...

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