
小升初总复习 三大时态综合训练题(一般现在、一般过去、现在进行)(无答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:16次 大小:41472Byte 来源:二一课件通
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句子按时态我们学过了三大类: 时是经常做的事或事实客观存在的事。它要重点掌握是: 时是正在发生进行的事。 它要重点掌握是: 三. 时是过去发生的事。它要重点掌握是: 注意:它们的时态区别都体现在谓语动词的变化上;句中往往还有一些关于时间的词语,这也是不同时态的体现。 观察下面带颜色的词语分别是什么时态。 Look! Yang Ling is (water) the flowers in the garden .( 时) I (watch) a film with my grandparents last Friday . ( 时) My mother (be) in Pixian last month .( 时) What (do) he do yesterday ?( 时) Nancy likes (play) the violin .( 时) His mother usually (milk) cows on Wednesday .( 时) Tom (visit) Wang Bing' grandparents last week( 时) . .... (be) there any fruit trees on the farm ?( 时) .......No ,there weren't . My birthday is on the (three) of June .( 时) Nance usually (do) her homework at six o'clock ,( 时) but last Tuesday she (do) homework at a quarter to seven .( 时) He (go) to school from Month to Friday .( 时) January is the ( one) month of a year . Look! Su Hai ( watch) a (run) race in the playground . I'd like (visit) the film with my parents . Does Mike like (water) flowers on Sunday ?( 时) We want ( go) to the farm . Helen often (go) to school by bike .( 时) .......Where (be) you just now ?( 时) ..........I ( be) in the classroom .( 时) What (do) you (do) last Friday ?( 时) We (plant) trees on the farm yesterday.( 时) Listen , the boy (sing).( 时) We (watch) a film last week . It (be)fun .We all (like) it very much .( 时) I'd like (make) a model ship . The women (clean) the room now .( 时) They (live) in London two years ago .( 时) Tom (watch) TV last night .( 时) ........What (do) you (do) a moment ago ?( 时) .........I (listen) to music in my study . The farmer (milk) cows this morning .( 时) My brother (study) hard last week .( 时) I often (play) football after school .( 时) They (be) so excited just now .( 时) (be) there any parks in the town in 1950?( 时) Su Yang (taste) the grapes now .( 时) The children (eat) a lot of delicious food at the food festival . Look ,my sister (collect) eggs . ( 时) My father (be) in Shanghai two years ago .( 时) My birthday is on the (three) of June .( 时) What holiday (come) after Christmas?( 时) Spring Festival is (come) .( 时) The children are ( get) very excited .( 时) Yang Ling (have) a toy bus .( 时) (do) Yang Ling (have) a toy bus ?( 时) Yang Ling (have) a big lunch with her family last New Year's Day .( 时) (do)Yang Ling (have) a big lunch with her family last New Year's Day ?( 时) _____(do) you_____(go) to parties last Halloween?( 时) Su Hai usually _____(go) to bed at ten o'clock .( 时) The children are watching the football game . They are very _____(excite) .( 时) Helen's parents _____(be) in Chinese last year . ( 时) ... ...

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