
Unit 2 I'll help to clean up the city parks.第2课时考点讲解 (26张PPT)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:44次 大小:3343382Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks. R·八年级下册 第二课时 Do the volunteers work for money? No, they work for free. Lead in Why do we become volunteers? Language points Mario Green and Mary Brown from Riverside High School give up several hours each week to help others. 目的状语 介词短语作后置修饰语,翻译时应提前。 一、句子分析 1. help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事; help后的不定式符号to,可以省略。 Mario believes it can help him to get his future dream job. 二、固定搭配 Last year, she decided to try out for a volunteer after-school reading program. 2. decide to do sth. 决定去做某事;to do做宾语。 1. 动词不定式的形式 动词不定式的基本形式是“to+动词原形”,常写作to do(有时to可以省略), 否定形式为not to do 。 动词不定式没有人称和数的变化。 三、动词不定式 动词不定式具有名词、形容词和副词的特征,因此可在句中作主语、宾语、宾语补足语、定语和状语等。 2. 动词不定式的用法 为了避免句子“头重脚轻”,往往用it 代替不定式作形式主语,而将不定式放在后面作真正的主语。 【作主语】:一般位于句首,谓语动词用单数。 It’s very useful to help others. 【作宾语】:主语+谓语 + to do 不定式常出现在一些及物动词后,构成动词短语。 如:want to do, plan to do, agree to do, learn to do等。 另一种是“及物动词+疑问词+带to的不定式”。 They taught me how to paint. We don’t know how to answer this question. 与特殊疑问词连用 I don’t know what to do next. She doesn’t know when to come back. You don’t know which to choose. 【作宾语补足语】 常接不定式作宾语补足语的词有tell, ask, want, teach, allow, promise, order, advise, expect, wish, invite, encourage 等。 They asked him to sing a pop song at the party. 一感(feel)二听(listen to, hear) 三让(let, make, have ) 四看(look at, see, watch, notice), 半帮助(help)(即在动词 help 后面作宾语补足语时,to可有可无)”。 I saw her leave half an hour ago. My brother often helps me (to) do the housework. 【作表语】 ①主语是不定式(表条件);表语也是不定式(表结果) To work is to earn a living. ②动词不定式做表语常用于以下结构:My job/ dream/goal/aim is… His aim is to make a fortune in the near future. 【作定语】:不定式作定语应放于被修饰词之后。 例:我想吃点东西。 I want to have something to eat. 【作目的状语】 动词不定式可表示某一动作或状态的目的, 位于句首或句尾。 例:He will go to the station to meet his friends.? Practice 【山东菏泽中考】 —Have you decided when ____? —Yes, tomorrow morning. A. will you leave B. are you leaving C. to leave 【吉林长春中考】 I go to my grandparents’ home _____ with their housework every Sunday. A. help B. helped C. to help D. helping 1. help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事 2. decide to do sth. 决定去做某事 3. 动词不定式 Summary Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks. Thanks ... ...

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