
Unit 1 A Parade Day Lesson 1 课件(共29张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:61次 大小:3867136Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) guessing game Unit1 A parade day. 游行 What does Ben do today? What did Ben do yesterday? He cooks some food today. He cooked some food yesterday. Mission1 任务一 不动 趴下 单词卡 大声读出来 watched listened washed planted painted “三个”规律 1.动词结尾字母为 t或d ,ed发/id/ 2.在浊辅音和元音后面发/d/ 3.在清辅音后面发/t/ 清辅音 /p/ / t/ / k/ /f/ /θ/ /s/ /?/ / h/ /ts/ /t?/ /tr/ 浊辅音 /b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ /?/ /z/ /?/ / r/ /dz/ /d?/ /dr/ /m/ /n/ /l/ /j/ /w/ 一般过去时动词“-ed”的发音规律 guessing game used use used a computer [ d ] I used a computer. What did you do yesterday? guessing game studied study [ d ] studied English/Math I studied English/Math. What did you do yesterday? 数学 cleaned clean cleaned the windows [ d] I cleaned the windows. What did you do yesterday? guessing game played play played basketball [ d ] I played basketball. What did you do yesterday? guessing game visited visit visited grandma [ id ] I visited grandma. What did you do yesterday? guessing game talked talk talked with mother [ t ] I talked with mother. What did you do yesterday? jumped jump jumped up [ t ] I jumped up. What did you do yesterday? guessing game ran run ran on the playground I ran on the playground. What did you do yesterday? 在操场跑步 clean- use- study- talk- cleaned used play- run- visit- jump- studied talked played ran visited jumped Pair work: What did do yesterday? I you used a computer. studied English/Math. played basketball. visited grandma. talked with mother. jumped up. cleaned the window. ran run ran on the playground. What did she do yesterday? She_____. studied English English book What did he do yesterday? He_____. visited grandma What did they do yesterday? They_____. played basketball What did she do last week? She_____. Thank you! Homework 1.抄写Unit1 单词各1行,并写上中文意思。 2.用3号作业本用8个新单词 模仿Target第一个句型造句。 Target 1.before 在......之前 last Sunday/Monday/…上周日/周一 2. this morning 在早上 3.yesterday / yesterday morning / yesterday afternoon/yesterday evening.昨晚 昨天 昨天早上 昨天下午 昨晚 4.last night (昨晚)last Sunday 上周日 5.last week last month last year(上周、上个月、上一年) 6.one/two/three... days ago (一天/两天/三天... 前) 7.one/two/three... weeks ago (一周/两周/三周...前) 8. one/two/three... years ago. (一年/两年/三年...前) 9.He was born in 1990. / 他出生于1990年。 10.the day before yesterday. 过去时态的相关的时间状语 Pair work: What did you do the day before yesterday? I used a computer. studied English/Math. played basketball. visited grandma. talked with mother. jumped up. cleaned the window. ran run ran on the playground. Listen and say do- did have- had shop- shopped dance- danced go- went eat- ate swim- swam sing- sang 动词的过去式 Ask Visit Move Arrive Plan Stop Try Fly Play Enjoy asked visited moved arrived planned stopped tried flied played enjoyed 规则动词的形式 4种基本情况 2。 不规则动词的过去式 get have meet go see ... ...

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