
全国2021年人教版七年级下学期英语暑假作业 - 情景交际专项练习及答案

日期:2024-06-14 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:50次 大小:33297Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    七年级英语暑假作业 - 情景交际专项练习 --参考答案-- 一、略 二、A-1.any 2.are 3.bowl 4.size 5.with B-1.where 2.at 3.river 4.long 5.take 三、 A:1-5 CDAEF B:1-5 BCFDA C:1-5 BDEAC 四、 A 1. What can I do for you?? ?? 2. How can I get there?? ? ? 3. Can I take a bus there?? ?? 4. How long does it take?? ?? 5. You are welcome. B 1.What are you doing? 2.Can you go with him?/Would you like to go with him? 3.What does he look like? 4.Sure/Good idea/Sounds good 5.When and where can I meet him?七年级英语暑假作业 - 情景交际专项练习 假期作业 一、根据汉语情景,选择正确答案。 1. 你把一位迷路的外宾送回旅馆,他对你说:Thank you.你应回答:? ? ? ? ?? A.? No, no. B. That's all right. C. I learn from Lei Feng. 2. 你不知道今天星期几,想问同学,应这样问: A. What day is today? B. What’s the weather like today? C. What's the date today? 3.如果你同一位外国朋友初次见面,他对你说:How do you do? ?你应说: A. How are you?? B. Hello! C. How do you do? 4.你向同学Lin Tao介绍一位新来的外国小朋友Jim,应怎样介绍?? A. Jim, this is Lin Tao. B. Lin Tao, he is Jim.?? C. Lin Tao, this is Jim. D. Lin Tao, do you know Jim? 5. 假如你是酒店服务员,该如何向顾客打招呼 ?? A. What do you want to eat ? B. What do you like?? ? C. What can I do for you? D. Sit down, please. 6. 与陌生人相遇,该如何打招呼?? A. How are you? B. How do you do?? C. Hello!? D. Are you fine? 7. 不小心碰倒了别人的茶杯,你应该向他说: A. Excuse? me !? B. I'm sorry.? C. Never mind. D. Ok, my dear! 8. 寻求别人帮助之前,你应说: A. Excuse? me. B. I'm sorry. C. Can you help me?? D. Thank you. 9.如果你问路,而对方说“不知道”时,你应该如何应答??? A. Thank you. B. You're welcome. C. Thank you all the same. D. Thanks a lot. 10. 别人感谢你的帮助,你可回答: A. Thank you all the same. B. You are welcome. C. It doesn't matter. D. With pleasure! 11.别人拿了一本新书,你想看,你要说: A. Is this a book? B. What's this?? C. May I have a look??? 12.当你想知道今天的天气怎么样时,你会问: A. What's? it?? B. What’s the weather like today ? C. What a fine day today ? 13.晚上,你和伙伴坐在院子里,你不知道伙伴手中的玩具车是不是白色,你会问: A. It isn't white.? B. It is black. C. Is it white ? 14.李艳今天没到校,你向老师报告说: A. She is Li Yan. B. Li Yan is not here. C. Is Li Yan at school ? 15.你想知道妈妈把你的帽子放在哪里了,你会问: A. Where is my hat, Mum?? B. Where are you, Mum? C. Where is your hat, Mum? 二、根据对话内容,在下面的空白处填入适当的词,使对话的意思完整与正确。每空一词。 A Waitress: Good afternoon. May I take your order? Sally: Yes. Are there 1___ vegetables in the beef soup? Waitress: Yes. There 2___ some tomatoes. Sally: OK. We’d like one 3___ of beef soup. Waitress: Sure. What 4___ would you like? Sally: Large, please Tom: We’d also like gongbao chicken and some mapo tofu 5___ rice. Waitress: OK. One large bowl of beef soup, one gongbao chicken, and one mapo ?? ? ? ? tofu with rice. Tom: Yes, that’s right.? ? ? ? ? ?? B A: Excuse me, sir. Could you please show me 1___ the City Library is? B: Go down this road and tur ... ...

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