
人教版英语必修1 Unit4 Earthquakes 听说课说课稿

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:49次 大小:35840Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 4 Earthquakes Using Language -Listening Good morning, everyone! It抯 my great pleasure to be here to give my lesson plan presentation. The lesson plan I am going to present is listening part of Unit 4 from the New Senior English(2004) for China Student's Book 1 for students in Senior 1. Now I抎 like to explain how to teach this listening and speaking class and the reason for doing so from the following 5 aspects: the analysis of teaching material and the students; the teaching objectives, important points and difficult points; the teaching methods and aids; teaching procedure; and the layout of blackboard. Part Ⅰ Analysis of teaching material and students First, I will analyze the teaching material. It’s from the New Senior English(2004) for China Student's Book 1 Unit 4. The topic is about earthquakes. This lesson is mainly a listening class which is listening to an interview of the great San Francisco earthquake in 1906. The teaching material is not so easy for students because it need students to listen carefully, meanwhile, take notes and analyze the listening materials then speak out their answers. All in all, it is very useful to improve students listening abilities. Now let抯 move on to the analysis of Ss. The students are in Senior 1. Most of the students have been learning English for 6 years, so they have already mastered the basic words and expressions, and they have basic listening abilities. They are interested in learning English and are quite familiar with the task-based language teaching model, but some of them are still afraid of speaking English in front of the class. In terms of that, teacher should pay attention to their individual difference and encourage them to air their opinions more in class. Part Ⅱ Teaching objectives, teaching important points and difficult points 1. Based on the analyses of teaching material and the learning condition, I will put forward the teaching objectives from 5 aspects. By the end of this class, the students will be able to: 1.Language knowledge : Learn some new words about earthquakes:shake, crack, rush, bricks, fall down. 2.Ability objects: 1)Improve their listening and oral expression abilities. 2)Predict answers before listening and capture the key words while listening. 3.Emotional objects: 1)Learn some survival skills when the earthquake happens. 2)Feel the power of our nation's post-disaster reconstruction efforts. 4.Learning strategies: 1)Utilize network to search and screen information. 2)Learn to learn individually and cooperatively. 5.Cultural objective: Know some situations about the San Francisco earthquakes in 1906. 2. Teaching key points &difficult points 1).Teaching key points How to make Ss know some situations about the San Francisco earthquakes in 1906 and learn some words about earthquakes: shake, crack, rush, bricks, fall down. 2).Teaching difficult points How to get Ss to: 1)Improve their listening and oral expression abilities; 2)Predict answers before listening a ... ...

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