
Module 4 past experiences Unit 7 第2课时课件(共15张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:81次 大小:36268091Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 4 Past experiences Unit 7 What did you do yesterday? Period 2 Let’s recite Ms White: Yesterday was Children's Day. Tell me, children, what did you do? Jiamin: I went shopping with my mother. I bought a new pair of sports shoes. Do you like them? Xiaoling: They look great. I played basketball at the park. It was so much fun. But my mum was angry because I came home late. Ms White: And you Ben? Where did you go yesterday? Ben: I stayed at home all day. In the morning I cleaned my room and in the afternoon I did my homework. It was no fun at all. All: Poor Ben! Listen and tick or cross 1. The girl got up early to go to the market. 2. The boy was not happy to have lots of homework. 3. The girl cut her finger when she was cooking. 4. The boy helped the old woman carry things. 5. The girl got a storybook as a present. √ × × × × 录音原文 Girl: Yesterday I got up early because my parents and I went to climb the mountain. Boy: Last night I had a lot of homework but I was happy because I worked out all the maths questions. Girl: Today I cooked for my family. I cut my finger. I should be careful. Boy: Today I was very happy. When I came home, I helped an old lady cross the road. Girl: After dinner last night, I went shopping. I bought a storybook. It's a birthday present for my friend Tom. Look, listen and answer Play a game Swim, swam. Yesterday I swam in the swimming pool. See, saw. Yesterday I saw a film in the cinema. Come, came. Yesterday I came to the library. Go, went. Yesterday I went shopping. Play a game Meet, met. Yesterday I met my friend. Feel, felt. Yesterday I felt happy. Buy, bought. Yesterday I bought some apples. Write, wrote. Yesterday I wrote a letter. Play a game Drink, drank. Yesterday I drank some milk. Eat, ate. Yesterday I ate an ice cream. Buy, bought. Yesterday I bought some apples. Write, wrote. Yesterday I wrote a letter. Look and say. Today Janet stayed in the classroom after class. She helped her friend with his English homework. She was very happy because she could help others. Look and say. He stayed at home on Sunday. He swept the floor. He was happy because he could help his mother. Look and say. Jiamin slept very early yesterday because he was very tired. Look and say. Ben fell off his bike this morning. He was very sad because he hurt his leg. Look and say. The girls played basketball last weekend. They were very happy because they could play well. Look and say. Janet rode a bike with Ms White last month. They were very excited because they rode fast. Read and order ( )The little bear was very sad because he couldn't play with his friends in the park. ( )The doctor game him a check-up. He gave the little bear some medicine and asked him to stay in bed. ( )He went to the park and started running. ( )Today the little bear got up early. ( )The little bear's mum found him and took him to hospital. ( )He didn't see the water and fell down. He hurt his leg. 6 5 2 1 4 3 课后作业 请结合Let's talk部分,写一篇小短文, ... ...

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