
人教精通版(三年级起点)三年级上册Review of Unit 3复习课件(29张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:93次 大小:8172544Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2021年秋人教精通版英语精选课件 三年级上册 Review of Unit 3 Only 12 dollars for one Hi, I am Patrick Star. I want to buy a cup of juice, but I don’t have money. Finish one task, and you will get 6 dollars. words & phrases Finish this round, and you will get 6 dollars. Let’s review together. nose eye mouth face 鼻子 嘴 眼睛 脸 words head 头 ear 耳朵 neck arm leg knee 脖子 腿 胳膊 膝盖 foot 脚 hand 手 Review the Phrases. 1. 看一看 _____ 2. 我的眼睛 _____ 3. 摸摸你的…… _____ 4. 我的鼻子 _____ 5. 一张大脸 _____ Be a translator. Translate the Chinese into English. look at my eye touch your… my nose a big face 6. 画一张脸 _____ 7. 点点你的头 _____ 8. 张开你的嘴 _____ 9. 闭上你的眼睛 _____ 10. 挥动你的胳膊 _____ draw a face nod your head open your mouth close your eyes wave your arm 看图片,填写单词。 nose mouth eye face Let’s practice. 圈出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。 mouth look face fine good has what thanks how head show touch 给下列图片选择相应的描述。 Clap your hands. Open your mouth. Close your eyes. D. Nod your head. E. Wave your arm. F. Touch your neck. F A E Clap your hands. Open your mouth. Close your eyes. D. Nod your head. E. Wave your arm. F. Touch your neck. D B C Let’s move on and review. Only 12 dollars for one Great! I get 6 dollars now. expressions& sentences Race to answer the questions. 惯用语 你(们)好! 哇! 哦! 早上好/上午好。 谢谢你。/谢谢。 Good morning. Hello! Thank you./ Thanks. Oh! Wow! Let’s make a match. 用于询问对方近况的表达: Answer the questions below. —How are you? 你好吗? —Fine, thank you. 很好,谢谢你。/ I’m fine. Thanks! 我很好,谢谢! —Not very/ so well. 不太好。 回应别人的问候: And you? 你呢? 表达让别人看某人/某物的句型: Look at + 某人/某物. 翻译: 1. 看看我的眼睛. _____ Look at my eyes. 句型 描述某物特征的句型: It’s + 描述事物特征的形容词. —Look at his head. —Wow! It’s _____! big 表达“他有……”的句型: He has + 某物. —Look at his mouth. —Oh! He has a big _____! mouth Look at my ____! Make a dialogue. Wow, it’s____! Let’s practice. 一、用数字给下列句子排序,组成一段完整的对话。(首句已给出)。 W ow! It’s big. I’m fine. Thank you. Look at my eyes! Good, thanks. And you? Hi, Kate! How are you? 1 2 3 4 5 —Welcome! —_____ you. A. Thanks B. Thank 2. —How are you? —_____, thanks. A. Good B. Nice 二. 单项选择。 3. Look at this boy. He has a big _____ and two small _____. A. head; ear B. head; ears 4. Touch ____ face! A. I B. my 三、情景交际。 ( ) 1. 你想让别人看看你的手,你应该说: _____ A. Look at my hand! B. Look at my arm! ( ) 2. Lisa 想问高伟最近好不好,应该说:_____ A. I’m fine B. How are you? ( ) 3. 当好朋友询问你的身体状况时,如果你 感觉不太好,应该说:_____ A. Good, thanks B. Not very well. ( ) 4. 当你听到一个不好的消息时,可以说: _____ A. Oh, I’m sorry! B. Wow! It’s small. Only 12 dollars for one Super wonderful! I get 12 dollars now. 温故而知新,不要忘记复习本单元的知识点哦! Thanks for your help. Look at the juice. It’s fresh and sweet. ... ...

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