
Unit 8 When is your birthday Section A (Grammar focus-3c) 教案

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:58次 大小:1202176Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 8 When is your birthday? Section A 2 (Grammar focus-3c) 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标: 1) 揭示并让学生掌握序数词的构成方式,重点记忆部分特殊的序数词的书写。 2)总结归纳when 引导的特殊疑问句对生日的询问和应答来学习日期的表达法。 3) 能够询问或确认他人的年龄及生日日期。 4) 掌握一些常见的学校活动的表达方式,并能熟练询问其日期。能听懂有关学校 组织活动话题的听力材料,并能获得相关信息。 2. 情感态度价值观目标: 通过互相询问_??????????????????_课内外活动的安排日程,不仅可以增进同学之间的了解和友情,而且还能学会合理地安排自己的作息时间,养成有规律地生活、学习的好习惯。21世纪教育网版权所有 二、教学重难点 1. 教学重点: 1)揭示并让学生掌握序数词的构成方式,重点记忆部分特殊的序数词的书写。 2)总结归纳when引导的特殊疑问句对生日的询问和应答来学习日期的表达法。 2. 教学难点: 揭示并让学生掌握序数词的构成方式,重点记忆部分特殊的序数词的书写。 三、教学过程 Ⅰ. Warming- up and revision. Sing along with Months of the Year Syllable Song. Ⅱ. Review. 1. Read words about months . 2. Put them into the right boxers. 3. Listen and repeat the Ordinal numbers. 4. Change Cardinal numbers intoOrdinal numbers. 基变序,有规律。一,二,三,单独记,词尾字母tdd。 八去t,九减e,ve要用f替,th然后加上去。 整十基数变序数,ty改为tie,th然后加上去。若是遇上几十几,十位基数个位序。 5. Play a game: choose the right Odinal numbers. Ⅲ. Practice 1. Let the students guess my age and birthday. 2. Ask and answer by using the following sentence patterns.21教育网 A: How old are you? B: I'm .... A: When is your birthday? B: My birthday is ... A: How old is he / she? B: She's / He's .... A: When is his / her birthday? B: His / Her birthday is ... 3. Let _stuent_s make a survey about their ages and birthdays, and then give a report. 4. Finish activity 3a and 3b, and then check the answers.21cnjy.com IV. Presentation 1. (Show _some_s_chool activities on the screen. Teach Ss the school activities) basketball game, English test, school trip, party 2. Ss read and try to remember the activities. 3. Look at__the_a_ctivities 1a. Then look at the pictures below. Match the pictures with the events.21cn穓穣 4. Ss work on 1a. Then check the answers. V. Listening 1. John and Sa_lly_ar_e talking about his calendar. Listen to the recording and circle the events you hear in 1a. 【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】 (Play the re_cordin_g for the first time, Ss only listen. Play the recording again. Ss listen and circle the events they hear in 1a.)21·世纪*教育网 2. Check the answers. Let some Ss read the answers. 3. This _time_l_et's listen and fill in John's calendar. Write the proper activity in the right date chart.2-1-c-n-j-y (Ss listen and write the proper activity in the right date chart.)21*cnjy*com 4. Play the recording again for the Ss listen and check the answers. 【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】 Ⅵ. Pair work 1. Look at__the_J_ohn's calendar. Ask and answer questions about it with your partner. S1: When is Sally's birthday party? S2: It's on October 5th. S1: When is the basketball game? ... ...

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