
单词积累Day 1+ 定语从句+语篇练习——2020-2021学年人教版(2019)高二英语暑假衔接讲义word(教师版+学生版)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:24次 大小:49176Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    个性化教学辅导教案 【预习选择性必修一U1】+语法专题【定语从句1】+语篇训练【阅读理解/完形填空】 姓名 暑假小班第1讲 教案类型 A 年级 高二小班 上课时间 2021暑假 学科 英语 学生学校 【今日词块积累】 1.commit (1)commit oneself (to do sth. )  承诺(做某事) (2)committed adj. 尽心尽力的; 坚定的, 坚信的 be committed to sth. /doing sth. 专心于(做)某事 2. evaluate evaluate the performance    评价表现 evaluation n. 评价 evaluative adj. 评价的 3.obtain be obtained from  从……中得到 4. defeat take defeat      接受失败 suffer defeat 遭受失败 5.analyst analysis   n. 分析; 分解; 验定(复数为: analyses) analytical   adj. 分析的; 解析的; 善于分析的 analytically adv. 分析地; 解析地 6. insist insist on/upon (doing) sth.  坚持(做)某事 7. distinct from  与……不同 distinctly 明显地; 无疑地, 确实地 distinction 区别, 差别; 特性; 荣誉, 勋章 8.conclude        v. 推断出, 得出结论; (使)结束, 终止 conclude. . . with. . .    以……结束…… conclude from. . . that. . . 从……中得出结论 to conclude 最后, 总之 in conclusion 最后, 总之 come to the conclusion 得出结论 9. crucial crucial to/for sth.   至关重要的; 决定性的 crucially 关键地; 至关重要地 10.object object to sb. /sb. ’s doing sth.   反对某人做某事 have/take an objection to doing sth. 反对做某事 【基础训练】 Ⅰ. 单词拼写 1. The digital economy is _____ (关键的) in today’s world. 2. Cultural exchange is _____ (极其重要的)for the countries like China and Fiji to learn from each other for common development. 3. An _____ (客观的) statement is based on facts and observations. 4. It is widely acknowledged that students should be _____ (评价) in terms of overall quality. 5. The children from poor families were at a _____ (明显的) disadvantage. 6. The hospital has recently _____ (获得) new medical equipment, allowing more patients to be treated. 7. The candidate waved his hands to _____ (感谢) the cheers of the crowd. 8. With her luggage in her hands, the girl stood looking round in all directions, but _____ (显然) no one had come to meet her. 9. His discovery is one of the greatest _____ (科学的) achievements of the decade. 10. This book teaches you how to _____ (分析)what is causing the stress in your life. Ⅱ. 选词填空 commit oneself to, be distinct from, be acknowledged as, insist on, lead to, by chance 1. Silk _____ rayon in every respect. ? 2. He _____ study English. ? 3. His words _____ a heated discussion among the students. ? 4. She _____ the best tennis player in the world.   ? 5. Our buyers _____ high standards of workmanship and materials.  ? 6. The pair met often — at first but later by design. ? Ⅲ. 完成句子 1. _____ , I had a feeling of pride and a sense of achievement. ? 一登上山顶, 我就有自豪感和成就感。 2. _____ , the bear came out of the bushes. ? 熊从灌木丛里出来, 露出牙齿, 发出一种巨大的声音。 3. This novel, _____ , is very touching. ? 这本小说我已经读了三遍, 它很感人。 4. I _____ a toy bear for her birthday present. ? 我建议给她买一个玩具熊作为生日礼物。 5. _____ physical activity ... ...

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