
仁爱版英语八年级上册Unit 1 Playing Sports 单元测试卷(含答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:62次 大小:45935Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2021-2022学年 仁爱版英语八年级上册 Unit 1 Playing Sports 单元测试卷 (本试卷满分100分) 姓名:_____ 班级:_____学号:_____ 一、单选题(共15题;共30分) ( )1.— Will you be _____ the high jump in the match? — No. I'm not good at it. A.?with????????????????????????????????????????B.?in????????????????????????????????????????C.?on????????????????????????????????????????D.?for ( )2.Tom is very sorry for what he _____. A.?does????????????????????????????????????B.?did????????????????????????????????????C.?do????????????????????????????????????D.?is doing ( )3.I often see Li Ming _____ on the playground. A.?run????????????????????????????????????B.?to run????????????????????????????????????C.?ran????????????????????????????????????D.?runs ( )4.Will you take part in the _____ long jump tomorrow afternoon? A.?girl????????????????????????????????????B.?girl's????????????????????????????????????C.?girls’????????????????????????????????????D.?girls ( )5.The letters PRC_____ the People's Republic of China. A.?stands by??????????????????????????B.?stand by??????????????????????????C.?stands for??????????????????????????D.?stand for ( )6.–Why do you like the red roses? ?–Because they _____ love. A.?leave for????????????????????????????B.?wait for????????????????????????????C.?stand for????????????????????????????D.?look for ( )7.Trees can stop the wind _____ the earth away. A.?from blowing????????????????????????????B.?to blow????????????????????????????C.?blow????????????????????????????D.?blows ( )8.I'm very glad _____ my old friends at the evening party. A.?meet??????????????????????????????B.?to meet??????????????????????????????C.?met??????????????????????????????D.?to meeting ( )9.–Did Yao Ming play _____ the Houston Rockets? –Yes, and his team often played _____ the famous teams, such as the Lakers. A.?against; for?????????????????????B.?for; against?????????????????????C.?for; for?????????????????????D.?against; against ( )10.She prefers _____ basketball. A.?play?????????????????????????????????B.?plays?????????????????????????????????C.?playing?????????????????????????????????D.?played ( )11.Mrs. Wang _____ Jack because he was late for class today. A.?was kind to??????????????B.?was good for???????????????????C.?was angry with??????????????D.?was friendly to ( )12.—Which skirt do you_____, the blue one _____ the red one? — I like the red one. A.?like; and????????????????????????B.?prefer; or????????????????????????C.?prefer; and????????????????????????D.?like best; or ( )13.— Would you like to go shopping with me? — Sorry, I have _____ to do. A.?something else??????????????B.?else something??????????????C.?else anything??????????????D.?anything else ( )14.James plays _____ Miami Heat. He is going to play _____ the players in the Houston Rockets. A.?for; against?????????????????????B.?for; for?????????????????????C.?against; against?????????????????????D.?against; for ( )15.—Xiao Shenyang is going to join the pa ... ...

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