
Starter Unit 3 What color is it ?单元培优提高过关卷(含答案)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:88次 大小:47724Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Starter Unit 3单元培优提高过关卷 一、单项选择(20分) 1.Li Lei can play the guitar, _____ he can’t play it _____. A.and; good B.and; well C.but; good D.but; well 2.―Benny, can you _____ something about the TV programme The Reader in Chinese? ―Sorry, I can _____ a little Chinese. A.tell;speak B.speak;say C.say;tell D.say;speak 3.Kate _____ the movie two weeks ago. A.see B.sees C.saw D.will see 4.How do you _____ that in English? A.say B.speak C.tell D.talk 5.He can't _____ English, but he can _____ it in Chinese. A.speak; speak B.speak; say C.say; say D.say; speak 6.He often _____ English _____ his classmates. So his English is wonderful. A.says, to B.speaks, with C.talks, with D.tells, to 7.I like the computer, _____ I don’t like its colour. A.and B.but C.so D.or 8.The post office is _____ the supermarket _____ the hospital. A.between, and B.from, to C.and, or D.on, of 9.—What _____ heavy rain it is! —Yes, but I love _____ air after it rains. It smells so fresh. A.the; a B.a; the C.the; the D.a; a 10.Can I _____ the window? It’s cold here. A.open B.close C.feel D.see 11.—Jack, will you get me the dictionary on that shelf, please? —I’m afraid that I can’t _____ it. I’m too short. A.see B.read C.follow D.reach 12.—I want to write a _____ to my mother to _____ her about my life and growth in the new middle school. —That’s a good idea! A.book; say B.email; speak C.plan; talk D.letter; tell 13.— What are you doing, Emily? — I’m _____ the radio. The music is so beautiful. A.watching B.listening to C.hearing D.seeing 14.Ted's key is not white. It's _____ . A.yellow B.good C.fine D.English 15.—Are _____ your pencils? —Yes, _____ are. A.this; it B.those; they C.these; those D.those; these 16.—Is this _____ eraser? —No, it isn’t. It’s _____. A.his; her B.her; she’s C.his; hers D.she; hers 17.—I can’t find my bag, Dad. —Go and _____ your sister _____ one. A.thank; for B.ask; for C.look; for D.ask; to 18.—Where is your dictionary? — It's _____. A.on the orange B.in the book C.in the cup D. on the sofa 19.—You mustn’t swim here. Look at the sign. It _____ “No Swimming”. — Oh, I _____ notice it. Thanks for telling me. A.says; don’t B.writes; don’t C.says; didn’t D.writes; didn’t 20.Li Ping is _____ his soccer in the classroom, but he can’t _____ it. A.looking at; find B.looking for; find C.finding; look for D.looking for; see 二、完型填空(20分) A: Good 21 ,Eric! B: Good afternoon, Grace! A: 22 are you? B: Fine, 23 . A: What's this 24 English? B: It's a(n) 25 . A: Please 26 it! B: O-R-A-N-G-E. A: 27 is it? B: It's green. A: Oh, no. It is 28 . And whose(谁的)orange is 29 ? B: It 30 Frank's. 21.A.evening B.afternoon C.morning D.night 22.A.What B.Who C.How D.When 23.A.thanks B.yes C.OK D.no 24.A.at B.in C.on D.to 25.A.ruler B.jacket C.orange D.pen 26.A.say B.spell C.see D.do 27.A.What colo ... ...

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