

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:99次 大小:1355264Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 2022高考英语读后续写精读精炼(七) 一:原文重现 In 1945, a _12-yea_r-old boy saw a beautiful brooch (胸针)in a shop window that set his heart racing. But the price—five dollars—was too high for Reuben Earle. Five dollars would buy almost a week's food for his family.【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】 Reuben could_n???t_as_k his father for the money. Everything his father made through fishing went to his mother, Dora. Slim and beautiful, she was the center of the home and the glue that held it together. The housework was never-ending, and she struggled to feed and clothe their five children, but she was happy as her family and their well-being were all she cared about. Nevertheles_s,_he__opened the shop's door and went inside. Standing proudly and straight in his flour-sack (面粉袋改做的)shirt and washed-out trousers, he told the shopkeeper what he wanted, adding, “But I don't have the money right now. Can you please hold it for me for some time?” "I'll try,” t_he_sho_pkeeper smiled. "People around here don't usually have that kind of money to spend on things. It should keep for a while."21*cnjy*com Reuben res_pectfu_lly touched his worn cap and walked out. He would raise the money and not tell anybody, for he thought Mum would get surprised when she saw that brooch. On hearing the sound of hammering (捶打)from a side street, Reuben suddenly had an idea that he could raise money by selling the used nail bags. People built their own homes in Bay Roberts, using nails bought in bags from a local factory. Sometimes the used bags were thrown away at the construction site, and Reuben knew he could sell them back to the factory for five cents a piece. That day he sold two nail bags and hid the money in a rusty soda tin.21教育名师原创作品 注意:1,续写词数应为150左右; 2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 Paragraph 1: Every day after school, Reuben started his plan. . Paragraph2: Finally, the time came! _____. 二:文本解析 情节分析:本文主要讲_è?°??????????°????_事:12岁男孩Reuben想为自己的母亲买一枚胸针,可 手头没有足够的钱,他找到店主,店主答应为他保留一段时间,而Reuben开始捡钉子来筹 钱购买胸针。21世纪教育网版权所有 续写部分分为_??¤???????????????_开头是:每天放学后,Reuben就开始他的计划。 本段开头提到Reuben已经开始进行筹钱计划,后文可以讲述他的筹钱过程以及最终结果, 可以具体描写一下筹钱过程中Reuben付出的努力。 第二段开头是:终于_??????????????????_本段 开头暗示Reuben己经筹到了足够的钱,后文就可以描写他买下胸针的激动心情以及将胸针 送给母亲Dora的过程。另外,母亲收到胸针后开心、感动的反应也可以是描写的重点. 文章的主人公无疑是小男孩Reuben,但次要人物Dora是不能忽略的,需要通过妈妈来衬托 儿子。那么看看文章对妈妈的描述: Slim and _beauti_ful, she was the center of the home and the glue that held it together. The housework was never-ending, and she struggled to feed and clothe their five children, but she was happy as her family and their well-being were all she cared about. 如果结尾只是说妈妈很开心,就非常遗憾了,还必须和 ... ...

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