
Unit8 English Week语法讲义+演练方阵(含答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:94次 大小:3100168Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 (?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?/??) 一.用must,can,may,might,shall,should,needn't,mustn't填空 1. —Will you read me a story, Mummy? —OK. You _____ have one if you go to bed as soon as possible. 2. —Shall I inform him of the change of the schedule right now? —I am afraid you _____, in case he comes late for the meeting. 3. If you _____ go, at least wait until the storm is over. 21世纪教育网版权所有 4. —No one _____ be compared with Yao Ming in playing basketball. —Oh, you are really his big fan. 5. It _____ be the Mr. Smith. He has gone to the USA. 6. I _____ worr (?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)y about my weekend. I always have my plans ready before it comes. 2·1·c·n·j·y 7. Just be patient. You _____ expect the world to change so soon. 8. —May I take this book out of the reading room? 【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】 —No, you _____.You read it in here. 9. You _____ park here! It's an emergency exit. 21·世纪 教育网 10. I can't leave. (?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)She told me that I _____ stay here until she comes back. 二、单项选择 1.—_____ I come in, Mr. King? —Yes, of course. Please sit down at your desk. A. May B. Must C. Can D. Should 2. —_____ I take this book out of the room? — Yes, you can. A. Must B. Need C. May D. Should 3. —_____ I meet him at the airport? —No, you needn't. A. Must B. Can C. May D. Should 4. — Mom, can I watch T'V now? — No. You _____ tidy your room first. A. can B. may C. must D. could 5. — Hi, Betty, _____ you speak German? I need your help. — Yes, I can. I have learnt it for 7 years. A. can B. need C. must D. should 6. —Must I hand in my paper now, Mr. Jones? — No, you _____. You can hand it in tomorrow. A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. wouldn’t D. shouldn’t 7. —_____ I use your eraser? —Certainly. Here you are. A. Must B. May C. Would D. Need 8. — Must I answer the question in English? — No, you _____. A. can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. shouldn’t 9. —Jack, can you make jiaozi? —Yes, I _____. A. must B. can C. need D. may 10. — Linda, _____ you make a model plane? — Yes, I can. A. may B. can C. need D. must 11. — Must I clean the room now? —No, you _____. A. can’t B. needn’t C. wouldn’t D. shouldn’t 12. — _____ I have a look at your dictionary? — Of course you can. Here you are. A. Need B. Can C. Must D. Should 13. You _____ play with fire. It’s dangerous. A. might not B. needn’t C. mustn’t D. may not 14. —Doctor Wang, (?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?) I'm feeling much better. Must I go on taking the medicine? —No, you    . You'll get well soon. A. can't B. may not C. needn't D. mustn't 15. —_____ I go out for fun, mum? —I’m afraid you can’t. You must finish your homework first. A. Must B. Need C. Should D. Can 16. —_____ I borrow your ruler? — Of course, you can. Here you are. A. Can B. Will C. Should D. Must 17. — Mum, must I clean the room right now? — No, you _____. A. shouldn’t B. wouldn’t C. mustn’t D. needn’t 18. —_____ you go sh ... ...

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