
Unit 1 My school Part A Let's learn 第1课时课件(40张)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:50次 大小:18031340Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) PEP·四年级下册 What do you have in your school? There are many books in it. We all read books in it. 图书馆 The teachers work in it. What place is this? 教师办公室 Where are they? 一楼 二楼 library teachers’ office second floor first floor 点击泡泡,就会有鱼儿浮上来哦! Lead-in This is our school. This is Sarah’s new school. What can you see? I see a library. I see a teachers’ office. I see three classrooms. Let’s learn library teachers’ office first floor second floor Words game Which one is missing? Which one is missing? Which one is missing? Which one is missing? Where’s the library? It’s on the first floor. first floor Play roles with your partner. Where’s the _____? It’s _____ classroom B classroom A library teachers’ office Free talk Where is the ____? It’s on the ____ floor. Let’s do Go to the library. Read a book. 去图书馆。 看书。 Shhh … Be quiet! Go to the teachers’ office. Say hello. 去教师办公室。 说您好! Hi, Miss White. Go to the playground. Play football. 去操场。 踢足球。 Yeah! We win! Go to the garden. Water the flowers. 去花园。 浇花。 Wow! Beautiful! Grammar 1. Go to the library. 去图书馆。 这是一个祈使句。常省略人称代词you。句子开头常是动词原形,表示请求、命令、建议或警告等。 例句:去操场。做游戏。 Go to the playground. Play games. 2. Read a book.看书。 read a book的同义词组:read books看书。 例句:我经常在图书馆看书。 I often read a book in the library. =I often read books in the library. 3. Play football. 踢足球。 play后接球类名词,意为“踢/打……”。 球类名词前不加任何冠词。 例如:play basketball 打篮球 play ping-pong 打乒乓球 play baseball 打棒球 4. Water the flowers. 浇花。 例句:让我来浇树吧。 Let me water the tree. water一词在这里是动词“浇”的意思;另 外它还可以作名词,意为“水”。 例句:我想要一些水。 I’d like some water. Game: 转一转 Go to … … 教师办公室 图书馆 一楼 二楼 Exercise 一、英汉互译。 Go to the library. Go to the teachers’ office. Go to the playground. Go to the garden. Read a book. Play football. Say hello. Water the flowers. 二、连一连。 三、看图,选择正确的答案。 1. Where’s the library? A. It’s on the first floor. B. It’s on the second floor. 2. Is this the garden? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. Unit 1 My school 1. Go to the library. 2. Read a book. 3. Play football. 4. Water the flowers. Summary Thanks!

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