
Unit 6 Shopping Part B Let's learn 第4课时课件(22张)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:70次 大小:7986318Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) PEP·四年级下册 Today is Lily's birthday. I want to buy a new dress for my birthday party. Let's go shopping. pretty 美观的;精致的 Look, The dress is _____. pretty ?150 The dress is ?150. It's _____. expensive expensive 昂贵的;花钱多的 ?80 Look, The dress is _____. nice nice 好的 ?150 The dress is ?80. It's _____. cheap ?80 花钱少的;便宜的 cheap pretty cheap nice expensive ?150 ?15 ?450 ?20 Let’s learn Look at that dress. It’s pretty. Yes, it is. Cheap or expensive? ?3 ?20 cheap expensive ?30 ?380 expensive cheap Free talk Look at that _____. It’s _____. ?200 ?15 ?20 ?30 ?50 ?10 ?100 Let’s play Who has…? ?50 ?40 ?5 ?100 What? Who? How much? a pretty _____ a nice _____ a cheap _____ an expensive_____ Sarah ? 50 dress schoolbag Wu Yifan ? 40 scarf John ? 5 umbrella Mike ? 100 Sarah has a pretty dress. It’s 50 yuan. It’s very nice. Practice Make up sentences. ?10 Joe has a _____. It’s _____ yuan. It’s very _____. red cap 10 cheap ?120 Mary has a _____. It’s _____ yuan. It’s very _____. pretty umbrella 120 expensive What do you have? Talk with your partner. I have _____. It’s/They are _____ yuan. It’s/They are very _____. Exercise 1 Say the words. expensive cheap 美观的;精致的 好的 pretty nice Find the mistakes. Look at the coat. They’re pretty. It’s Look at that blue shirt. It’s cheap. ? 50 ? 200 expensive 描述物品特点的句型: These shoes are nice. This skirt is pretty. 询问对物品的评价或看法的问句及答语: —How do you like this dress? —It's nice. Summary Thanks!

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