
外研版(三年级起点)英语上册 Module 10测试卷(含答案,无听力试题)

日期:2024-06-12 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:72次 大小:90112Byte 来源:二一课件通
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小学英语外研六上 Module 10测试卷 一.选择适当的选项补全单词。(10分) ( )1. h rry A. o B. u C. a ( )2. l n A. i, e B. e, e C. i, i ( )3. r l A. o, e B. u, y C. u, e ( )4. q et A. u, i B. i, u C. a, i ( )5. c o s A. r,e B. r,s C. a,s 二.英汉互译。(20分) 1. help me 2. 去图书馆 3.Please hurry! 4. Don’t talk! 5. stand in line 6. 坐下! 7. 直着走 8. 向右转 9. 借书卡 10. quiet 三.单项选择。(30分) ( )1. — Where are you going? — . A. To the library B. At the library C. In the library ( )2. Please quiet. A. to be B. is C. be ( )3. Look the library rules. A. at B. to C. likes ( )4. Please stand line. A. in B. on C. under ( )5. It says, “ in the library.” A. Can’t talk B. Don’t talk C. Aren’t talk ( )6. Go straight ! A. in B. for C. on ( )7. It’s ten five (4:50). A. to B. for C. past ( )8. Don’t in the road. A. running B. run C. ran ( )9. 当你过马路时,交通灯亮红灯了,你应该怎么办? 。 A. Wait! It’s yellow now. B. Stop! Don’t go. C. Go! It’s green now. ( )10. 上课了,老师进教室了,值日生可以说: 。 A. Stand up! B. stand in line C. Sit down! ( )11. 过生日时,妈妈送你一件很棒的礼物,用英语你说: 。 A. How fantastic present! B. What a fantastic present! ( )12. 你去图书馆看书时,管理员会对你说: 。 A. Stand up! B. Please stand in line! ( )13. 你看见一个小朋友在草坪上玩,你会对他/她说: 。 A. Don’t walk on the grass! B. Don’t play on the road!( )14. 周末你想去公园玩时,你会对妈妈说: 。 A. I want to go to the zoo. B. I want to go to the park. ( )15. What did you find on that day? 中文意思是: A. 你那天找到了什么? B. 你那天做了什么? 四.给下列图片选择正确的句子,将番号写在括号里。(12分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) A. Don’t turn right here. B. Be quiet. C. Go straight on. D. Turn left. E. Don’t ride your bicycle here. F. Don’t walk. 五.连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。(10分) 1. in please stand line (!) 2. on don’t the walk grass(!) 3. do I How school to get the (?) 4. my here is card library (.) 5. at look rules the library (.) 六.阅读理解(正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”)。(18分) A Jack and Li Xuan are good friends. On Sunday they are in Li Xuan’s room . Li Xuan’s room is very clean and tidy .There are two windows in his room. Near the window there is a desk . On the desk there is an ink bottle, a lamp and some books .Beside the desk there is a bed .On the wall there is a phone of Li Xuan’s family . (???? ) 1. Jack and Jane are good friends. (???? ) 2. Li Xuan’s room is clean but not tidy. (???? ) 3. There are no windows in Li Xuan’s room. (???? ) 4. There is a chair and a table in Li Xuan’s room. B Dear Laura, I’m happy to receive (收到)your letter. Daming has told me about you on the phone( 电话). Daming is my good friend. And he used to teach me Chinese. I have lived in China for two years . I often miss English tea. I also miss my English friends . Amy ? ( )5.?The letter is from Daming. ( )6.?Amy received this letter. ( )7.?Laura wrote the letter. ( )8.?Amy has ... ...

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