
Unit 2 A Magic Day Lesson 4 Reading and writing 课件(28张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:65次 大小:6211072Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 A Magic Day (Reading and writing) Alex Eric Sally What’s the meaning of rides? U 2 A Magic Day A.骑 B.旅行 C.游乐设施 What’s the meaning of rides? 听录音,并圈出文中出现的rides 限时阅读60秒 Where were they? When did they go to there? Who were they? U 2 A Magic Day Sally ( )2.Whose birthday was it? ? A . Sally’s B. Sally’s brother’s C. Sally’s father’s ( )3.Did Sally like rides ? A Yes,she did. B. No, she didn’t. C . I don’t know. B A ② ③ Read and choose Sally ( )1.Who took the photo ? A . Sally B. Sally’s brother C. Sally’s father ( )2.Whose birthday was it? ? A . Sally’s B. Sally’s brother’s C. Sally’s father’s ( )3.Did Sally like rides ? A Yes,she did. B. No, she didn’t. C . I don’t know. C B A ① ② ③ ( )1.What’s the matter with Eric after the rides? A .He was happy. B. He was thirsty. C. He was sick. C B Read and choose Eric ( )1.What did he do after his was sick? A. Took some medicine. B. Drank some water. C. Stayed in bed. ( )1.Who’s Eric ? A . Sally’s father B. Sally’s brother C. Sally’s friend ( )2.What’s the matter with Eric after going on the rides? ? A .He was sad. B. He was thirsty. C. He was sick. ( )3.Who looked after (照顾)Eric? A . Sally’s mother B. Sally C. Eric’s father ( )4.Did Eric like rides ? A Yes,he did. B. No, he didn’t. C . I don’t know. Eric B C A A Read and choose ( )1.Alex likes rides. ( )2.Sally, Eric and Alex ate some cotton candy. Alex F T Write T for true and F for false. ( ) 1.Alex is Sally’s friend. ( )2.Alex didn’t like rides. ( ) 3.Alex played games and won something. ( )4.Sally, Eric and Alex ate some cotton candy. Alex F T F T U 2 Reading and writing Game: Look,listen and guess. take a photo 拍照 玩游乐设施 玩游戏 和某人说话 go on a ride play a game talk to someone U 2 Reading and writing U 2 A Magic Day A Busy Day Gogo was busy last _____. In the morning, Gogo _____.In the afternoon, he _____. After that, _____. In the evening, _____. He was busy but happy. Monday went to school ate pizza He watched TV He played the piano U 2 A Magic Day My name is Holiday. I went to a fun park with my friends last Sunday. We rode on all the rides. We ate some hamburgers. We drank some orange juice. We were happy. U 2 A Magic Day My name is Holiday. I went to a fun park with my friends last Sunday. We rode on all the rides. We ate some hamburgers. We drank some orange juice. We were happy. Who Where When Activities Feeling Doing Food Drinks Group work: make a report. 根据提示,以“My Day”为题写一篇小短文,并在4人小组中进行汇报朗读,然后选出你们小组的“Super Star” My name is Holiday. I went to a fun park with my friends last Sunday. We rode on all the rides. We ate some hamburgers. We drank some orange juice. We were happy. What a great day! Super star Homework (go) went to school (eat) ate breakfast (write) wrote a letter (read) read a book 5. (make) made a model (ride) rode a bike ( ... ...

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