
Unit 6 Food and lifestyle Integrated skills & study skills 课件(共26张PPT) +音频

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:59次 大小:7232053Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 6 Food and lifestyle Integrated skills & study skills Do you know how to keep fit? Integrated skills biscuits /’biskits/ How often do you eat…? I often/usually/seldom/never/…… Eat them more ! /less do more exercise/exercise more walk to school How often do you …? I often/usually/seldom…… watch less TV sleep well How long do you …? I …for… How much …do you …? I …of… 1.How often do you exercise? 2.How long do you sleep every night? 3.How long do you watch TV every day? 4.How often do you eat cake, chocolate or sweets? 5.How often do you eat fruit and vegetables? 6.How often do you take a walk? Questionnaire Ask and answer: About Benny’s lifestyle Listen and answer: 1.How often do you exercise? A less than three times a week B three to six times a week C every day 2.How long do you sleep every night? A. less than 7 hours B. more than 9 hours C. about 8 hours 3.How long do you watch TV every day? A more than 2 hours B 1-2 hours C less than 1 hour Benny You C B C 4.How often do you eat cake, chocolate or sweets? A. everyday B. often C. seldom 5.How often do you eat fruit and vegetables? A. Never B. seldom C. often 6.How often do you take a walk? A. Never B. sometimes C. every day C C C Health score Benny The number of ‘a’s The number of ‘b’s The number of ‘c’s Benny’s health score:_____ Scores a=1 point(分数) b=2 points c=3 points 0 1 5 17 Your health score:_____ Ask and make a diologue 小组合作 1.How often do you exercise? 2.How long do you sleep every night? 3.How long do you watch TV every day? 4.How often do you eat cake, chocolate or sweets? 5.How often do you eat fruit and vegetables? 6.How often do you take a walk? 小组合作 How long do you sleep every night? About 8 hours. 小组合作 How long do you watch TV every day? I watch TV more than two hours…. 小组合作 How often do you eat cake and sweets? 小组合作 How often do you eat vegetables and fruit? My partner exercises _____. He/She sleeps for _____ hours every night, and watches TV for _____ hours every day. He/She _____eats cakes, chocolates and sweets, and _____ eats fruit and vegetables. He/She _____walks to school. Overall, he/She is _____. A report on my partner Millie and her cousin Andy are ordering food at a restaurant. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions. 1. What does Andy have for dinner? 2. What does Millie have for dinner? He has some beef, green beans, some rice and apple juice. She has some fish, some rice and apple juice. Speak up 角色扮演 Role-play the conversation Study skills Learning Listen and repeat family often very over short fish usually television /f/ /v/ / / / / zoo always /s/ /z/ seldom nice /tr/ /dr/ try travel draw dream / / / / think both there father / / / / children match just geography starts sports reads friends /ts/ /dz/ 1. She sells seashells by the seashore. 2. There are three toy trains in the tree. 3. One hundred children have one hundred dreams. 4. ... ...

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