
Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? Section B (1a-1e) 课件(共33张PPT)+ 练习+音视频

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:12次 大小:31862123Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 1Where did you go on vacation? Period(Three) Section B (1a-1e) 版本:人教版八年级上册 Lead in Enjoy a video and share your vocation trip. Objectives 1. To learn some adjectives delicious, exciting, terrible… 2. To listen for specific items in conversations 3. To learn to talk about opinions on past events A: How was ...? B: ... 和某人一起出去 去纽约 见一些有趣的人 相当多,不少 go out with someone quite a few go to New York City meet someone interesting Review 做一些有趣的事 去中心公园 好久不见 在度假 do something interesting be on vacation go to Central Park long time no see 第一人称 ourselves 第二人称 第 三 人 称 themselves yourself myself yourselves himself itself herself 反身代词: some any every no 人 everyone no one 物 anyone someone nothing something anything everything 复合不定代词: Free talk How was _____? It tastes _____. delicious the food 美味的 How was _____? It was _____. expensive the store 昂贵的 How was _____? It was _____. the fun park exciting 令人兴奋的; 令人激动的 What do you think about the food? _____? _____. How was the food It was terrible 糟糕的 1. ____ delicious 3. ____ exciting 5. ____ terrible 2. ____ expensive 4. ____ cheap 6. ____ boring f d a b c e 1a Match the words with the pictures below. Matching ? words delicious _____ _____ ? words terrible _____ _____ 1b Look at the words in 1a again. Write ? words on the left. Write ? words on the right. exciting cheap boring expensive How was the bus trip? It was relaxing. We were on a bus trip. bus trip relaxing Look at the pictures below. Where were they? What happened? How was the museum? It was boring. I was in a museum. museum boring Listen. Lisa is talking about her vacation. Answer the questions. 1. Where did Lisa go on vacation? _____ 2. Did she do anything special there? What was it? _____ She went to Hong Kong. Yes, she went to a fun park. It was really interesting. 1c 3. Did she buy anything for her best friend? _____ 4. Did Lisa like her vacation? _____ Yes, she did. Yes, she did. Listen again. Fill in the blanks. What did Lisa say about…? her vacation _____ the fun park _____ the stores _____ the people _____ the food _____ 1d great exciting friendly delicious expensive Girl:?Hi,?Lisa.?How?was?your?vacation??? Lisa:?It?was?great!?I?went?to?Hong?Kong?with?my family.? Girl:?Really??Wow!?Did?you?do?anything?special?there??? Lisa:?Well,?we?went?to?a?fun?park.?It?was?really?exciting.? Girl:?Did?you?go?shopping??? Lisa:?Yeah,?I?did.?? went?to?Hong?Kong went?to?a?fun?park 原文: Girl:?How?were?the?stores?? Lisa:?Oh,?they?were?very?expensive,?but?I?did?buy?? something?for?my?best?friend.? Girl:?And?how?were?the?people??Were?they?friendly?? Lisa:?Yeah,?they?were?really?friendly.?My?parents?have? some?friends?there,?and?we?had?dinner?at?their? house.? something?for?my?best?friend buy Girl:?How?was?the?food??? Lisa:?It?was?delicious.?I?loved?their?home?cooking. Girl:?Did?everyone?have?a?good?time??? Li ... ...

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