
人教新目标英语八年级下学期期末专题练习 比较级和最高级(含答案解析)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:96次 大小:104448Byte 来源:二一课件通
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人教新目标英语八年级下学期期末专题练习:形容词副词 一.选择题(共15小题) 1.(2020秋?绥棱县期末)He is _____ more outgoing than his brother.(  ) A.very B.more C.much D.too 2.(2021春?南京月考)﹣﹣What do you think of the movie? ﹣﹣It is _____ ! I enjoy it very much.(  ) A.friendly B.fantastic C.noisy 3.(2020秋?金昌期中)Do you look ____ Tom? A.the same as B.same a C.the same D.the same so 4.(2020秋?沾化区期中)﹣Who sings ____, you or Jack? ﹣Jack, but I dance ____ than him!(  ) A.more loudly; better B.loudly; well C.more loudly; good D.loudly; better 5.(2019秋?广汉市期末)﹣ Alice is as as Ellen. ﹣ Yes, but she is _____than Ellen.(  ) A.tall; more outgoing B.taller; outgoing C.taller; more outgoing D.tall; outgoing 6.(2020秋?五华区校级期中)Joe,start exercising before it's too late.Your health is _____ than anything else.(  ) A.important B.more important C.the more important D.less important 7.(2020?广西模拟)Emma looked after her pet dog _____ of all her friends.(  ) A.careful B.most careful C.the most carefully 8.(2020秋?松北区校级期中)Which do you think is _____city , Beijing , Chongqing or Chengdu ?(  ) A.the most beautiful B.the more beautiful C.more beautiful 9.(2020秋?绥棱县校级期中)You can buy ticket here.(  ) A.the more quick B.the more quickly C.the most quick D.the most quickly 10.(2020秋?海城市期中)Winter is coming.The weather is getting _____.(  ) A.cold and cold B.colder and colder C.the colder and the colder D.the coldest and the coldest 11.(2019秋?青山区期中)﹣﹣ I heard that 97.8 FM is popular. ﹣﹣Yes, it is. But I think it plays music.(  ) A.most bored B.boring C.more bored D.the most boring 12.(2019?孝感)﹣There will be no winner in the trade war between China and the US. ﹣I agree. If we can't avoid it, the situation will get_____as time goes on.(  ) A.bad B.badly C.worse D.worst 13.(2019秋?吉安期中)﹣Do you know Sun Yang? ﹣Yes.He is one of _____ sportsmen in China.(  ) A.popular B.more popular C.most popular D.the most popular 14.(2018秋?灯塔市校级期中)﹣Li Hua speaks English _____ Xiao Lin. ﹣I don't think so.I think Li Hua does _____ better than Xiao Lin.(  ) A.as good as;a lot B.as well as;much C.as good as;a little D.as well as;more 15.(2018秋?历城区期中)﹣﹣﹣ Hi, Helen! Welcome to our neighborhood! ? ﹣﹣﹣ It's fantastic, but I still don't really know my way around.(  ) A.How do you like it so far B.Is there a cinema around here C.Where is the best supermarket D.Which is the best clothes store 二.填空题(共5小题) 16.(2020秋?滦州市期末)A dictionary is much    (expensive) than a story﹣book. 17.(2016?包头)Their situations    (与…相似)ours,but not exactly the same. 18.(2015秋?宜兴市期末)I feel    (bad) today than yesterday. 19.(2018秋?临沭县期中)用所给词的正确形式填空. Which do you like  ... ...

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