
Unit 2 A new student 单元知识梳理

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:89次 大小:142806Byte 来源:二一课件通
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五年级上Unit 2 A new student 单元知识梳理 语音 本单元共有两个字母会发/s/音 字母c发/s/ 常考例词: cinema dance ice juice nice rice science pencil Alice face city 字母s发/s/ 常考例词:yes sister this skirt sweet stand sit sorry listen sleep school case six seven breakfast house some salad thanks sticker sixteen tennis Saturday skate swim sock small soup snowman subject see Sunday sweater beside house horse basketball 四会单词 1. student学生 2. classroom 教室 3. second 第二 4. computer 电脑 5. third 第三 6. first 第一;首先 7. stop 停下, 停止 四会词组 1. a new student 一名新学生 2. show her around 带领她参观 3. how many classrooms 多少间教室 4. in our school 在我们学校里 5. our classroom我们的教室 6. on the second floor 在二楼 7. two computer rooms两间电脑室 8. on the third floor 在三楼 9. the first floor 一楼 10. go and have a look 去看看 11. in her new school 在她的新学校里 12. show him around 带领他参观 13. show us around 带领我们参观 14. show them around 带领他们参观 15. go home 回家 16. an art room 一间美术室 17. a music room 一间音乐室 18. in the classroom 在教室里 重点句型精讲 1. Can you show her around?你能带她四处转转吗? 难点解析: (l)can是情态动词,后面直接加动词原形。情态动词不随人称和数的变化而变化。含有can的陈述句变为否定句时,直接在can后面加not,可以写为cannot或缩写为can't;变为疑问句时,可以直接将can提到句首。 例句:I can run. I can't run. —Can you run? Yes, I can./No,I can't. (2)show sb. around someplace领某人参观某地;带某人巡视某地 show作为动词,还表示“给……看;出示;展示”。 “ show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb.把某物给某人看 例:Let me show you around my new house.让我领你参观下我的新房子。 I want to show her friends her old pictures. = I want to show her old pictures to her friends.(我想给她朋友们看她的旧照片。) 2.How many classrooms are there in our school?在我们学校有多少间教室? 难点解析: (1)这句话为there be句型提问数量的特殊疑问句。 how many用来提问可数名词的数量,句型结构:How many +可数名词复数+are there ( +地点)? 例:How many computers are there in the classroom?在教室里有多少台电脑? There are twenty.有 20 台。 how much用来提问不可数名词的数量,句型结构:How much+不可数名词 +is there(+ 地点)? 例:How much milk is there in the bottle?瓶子里有多少牛奶? (2)可数名词单数变复数的规则: A.一般情况下,直接在词尾加s 例:cat-cats 猫;book—books 书;room—rooms 房间; bike—bikes 自行车 以s, x, ch, sh结尾的词加es 例:bus-buses公交汽车;box-boxes 盒子;watch-watches手表 C.以辅音字母+ y结尾的词,先变y为i,再加es 例:baby—babies 婴儿;family—families 家庭; library—libraries 图书馆 以o结尾的词的变化有两种: 无生命的单词,直接加s,如:photo一photos照片;piano一pianos钢琴 有生命的单词,加 es,如:mango—mangoes 芒果;potato-potatoes 土豆;tomato—tomatoes 西红柿;hero—heroes 英雄 D.以f或fe结尾的单词,先变f或fe为v,再加es knife—knives 小刀;housewife—housewives 家庭主妇; thief—thieves 小偷 特殊形式(不规则变化) 例:man—men 男人;woman—women 女人;foot—feet 脚; tooth—teeth 牙齿;goose—geese 鹅;sheep—sheep 绵羊; ... ...

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