

日期:2024-05-06 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:10次 大小:27356Byte 来源:二一课件通
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河南暴雨,“抗洪抢险”英语怎么说?(附洪水自救指南) The central Chinese city of Zhengzhou has been lashed by record rainstorms, causing severe waterlogging, traffic disruptions, and power outages.中国中部城市郑州遭遇创纪录特大暴雨袭击,造成严重内涝、交通中断和停电。 The record rains have prompted the flood control and drought relief headquarters in the capital city of Henan Province to upgrade the flooding emergency response level to its highest on Wednesday morning.7月21日凌晨,位于郑州市的河南省水利厅将防汛应急响应级别提升至I级。 Zhengzhou received average precipitation of 457.5 mm within 24 hours to 5 p.m. Tuesday, the highest daily rainfall since the weather record began. The city also reported record-high hourly precipitation of 201.9 mm between 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. on Tuesday, the Henan provincial meteorological center said.据河南省气象局消息,截至20日下午5时,郑州市过去24小时降雨量达457.5毫米,单日降雨量突破建站以来历史极值。20日16-17时降雨量达201.9毫米。 The severe waterlogging has led to the virtual paralysis of the city's road traffic. Over 80 bus lines have been suspended, more than 100 temporarily detoured, and the subway service has also been temporarily suspended.严重内涝导致郑州城市交通几近瘫痪。目前,郑州市80多条公交线路临时停运,100多条临时绕行,地铁全线暂停服务。 Rainwater poured into the subway tunnel of the city's Line Five, trapping an unknown number of passengers aboard a subway train.暴雨雨水倒灌入地下隧道和5号线列车内,被困于车厢中的乘客人数不明。 Police officers, firefighters, and workers from the local subdistrict have arrived at the site for the rescue operation.目前,公安、消防、办事处等救援单位已抵达现场正在紧张救援。 暴雨相关词汇 torrential rain 暴雨,强降雨 e.g.?There is?torrential rain?in the region in July. 七月份这个地区有强降雨。 rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨 e.g.?In a sunny winter morning, it might suddenly?rain cats and dogs. 在冬季的阳光明媚的早上,也可能会有飘泼大雨。 downpour 滂沱大雨 e.g.?The?downpour?was so heavy that we were soaked by the time we got to the car. 雨下得如此之大以至于我们跑到车跟前时已经湿透了。 pour down 下暴雨 e.g. You'd better take an umbrella - it's?pouring down?out there. 你最好带把伞,外面下暴雨呢。 the fury of a storm 狂风暴雨 the bluster of the wind and rain?狂风暴雨 the violent thunderstorms 强烈的雷暴 the violent storm 暴风 a heavy rainfall 大雨,暴雨 pouring rain 瓢泼大雨 cloudburst?(突然的)大暴雨 heavy rain 暴雨 downpour 倾盆大雨 storm/tempest/rainstorms 暴风雨 red/orange/yellow/blue rainstorm alert 红色/ 橙色/ 黄色/ 蓝色暴雨预警 抗洪抢险相关词汇 floods/floodwater/inundation 洪水 relief 救灾 freshet 河水猛涨/涨水 water levels 水位 to burst their banks/breaching of the dyke 决堤/溃堤 watercourses 河道/水道 the flood level 洪水水位 warning level 警戒水位 flash floods 山洪暴发 water discharge 水流量/排水 water reservoirs 水库 Office of State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters 国家防汛抗旱总指挥部 disaster areas?受灾地区 evacuate 疏散 rescue boats 救生艇 stranded residen ... ...

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