
小学英语外研版五年级上学期Module 7 Community课件

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:79次 大小:535727Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Module 7 Community Unit 1 He can’t see. I can run, run, run, run. I can see, see, see, see. I can hear, hear, hear, hear. I can walk, walk, walk, walk. 图片欣赏 He is blind. He can’t see. This dog helps him. She is deaf. She can’t hear. This dog helps her. He is blind. He can’t see. Who helps him She is deaf. She can’t hear. Who helps her him him him her her her Can Sam have a dog Listen and answer: No, he can’t. He can’t ____. This dog helps____. hear him She can’t ____. This dog helps ___. see her He can’t walk. This dog helps him. Fill in the blanks. blind hear can’t him her She can’t see. She is _____. This man can’t _____. He is deaf. This dog helps ___. 3. This girl _____ walk. Her mother helps _____. blind hear him can’t her Homework: ★Listen to the tape-record. ★Write the new words. Module 7 Community Unit 2 They can’t walk. He is blind. He can’t see. Who helps him She is deaf. She can’t hear. Who helps her him him him her her her He can’t ____. This dog helps____. hear him She can’t ____. This dog helps ___. see her They can’t ____. eat them Their mother helps ____. He can’t _____. This girl _____. sit down helps him She ____ ____. Her mother ____ ___. can’t swim helps  her She ____ ____. Her father ____ ___. helps her can’t walk Homework: ★Listen to the tape-record. ★Write the new words.

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