

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:88次 大小:166326Byte 来源:二一课件通
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小学五年级英语(下)《暑假作业》(二十五) 378460016933 一、判断下列每组单词画线部分读音是( )否( )一致。 ( ) 1 nurse turn ( )2、 bird shirt ( )3、 brother thin ( )4、 moon look ( )5、 skate stop ( )6、 sky study 二、请给下面单词分类,有一个单词是多余的。 A、ninety B、always C、waiting D、spring E、sometimes F、eighty G、often H、cleaning I、hundred J、seventy K、washing L、taking M、never 326390118110 \ 4243705242570三、根据图片提示写单词民,完成句子。 1、How’s the weather in . 4108450242711 2、Look! The boy is a cat. 43229391693333、My mother wants to a hat. 4740275-908054、He is writing an to his friends. 3769360276225 5、l need three of bread. 四、单项选择。 ( )1、Look at the girl! She’s with her dog. A、dances B、dancing C、is dancing ( )2、l want to show my picture. A、he B、him C、his ( )3、You should(应该) the clothes They are dirty. A、wash B、take out C、put away ( )4、— is the toy car? —it’s seventy yuan. A、How many B、Where C、How much ( )5、— —it’s in front of the teaching building. A、Where is the library? B、is this your school? C、What a big teaching building! 五、根据图片提示补全句子。 709930812801 —What can l do you? —l want to buy 709930889002、 —What are you doing? —We are 3、 71049467733 —What can he do? —He can 709930381000 4、 —What can she do? —She can .She lunch now. 563245152405、 — What are they? —They are playing . 六、连语成句。 1、Want, buy, to, candies, five, l, of, boxes(.) 2、favourite, which , season , is, your(?) 3、room, singing, kids, the, music , in, are, the(.) 4、water , the, it’s, plants, time, to(.) 5、usually, run, playground, on , they , the(.) 七、从方框中选择适当的句子补充对话。 A、Of course B、How are you? C、How’s the weather in your city? D、Can l take a message (捎口信) for her? E、What are you doing on rainy days? A:Hello, Jane speaking. B: Hi, Jane it’s Bob here. 1、 A: pretty good , How about you? B: Not too bad .2 、 B、3、 A、l‘m reading an interesting book , it’s very relaxing here. B:Well, may l speak to your sister , Mart , please? A: Sorry, she’s not at home at the moment. 4、 B: Sure. Could you just ask her to call me back? A: Yes.5、 B: Thank you .Jenny. A: you’re welcome. 八、阅读短文,回答下列问题。 Hello! l‘m Lily . Today is Teachers‘Day. We don’t go to school. it’s sunny and cool. We are having a good time with Miss Wang on a beautiful farm Miss Wang is our maths teacher. She’s strict and smart. and we all like her . Look! Fangfang and Lingling are singing and dancing . Binbin is picking flowers with Dongdong. Mingming is watching a rabbit . is the rabbit sleeping? Oh no, it’s eating carrots , Miss Wang is cooking lunch for us l’m helping her . l‘m washing vegetables and fruit . How happy we are! 1、What’s the date today? 2、Who’s Miss Wang? 3、What are Fngfang and Lingling doing? 4、What’s the rabbit doing? 5、Are they having a good time? 316018233866723170443388081771650337820附参考答案 一、1、 2、 3、 4、 5 、 6、 二、1、F 2、I 3、 ... ...

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