
人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 3 Sports and Fitness Listening and Speaking 教案

日期:2024-06-06 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:37次 大小:24486Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 3 Sports and Fitness Listening and Speaking Background Information Teaching material version:PEP edition, unit3, book1. Duration:40mins (Lesson 2 of this unit) The teaching type: Listening and Speaking Name:黄河 School: Yunnan Normal University Analysis of the Ss: fresh students are active, curious and interested in new things. After learning English for several years, they have some basic English background knowledge. They?can?use?some?simple English?expressions to communicate with their partners. Teaching Content Topic: In this period, the theme is ‘sports and health’. This class is around the topic ‘invite a friend to a sports event.’ Teaching Objectives At the end of this class, students will be able to Language Capacity: (1)Master new Words(soccer, stadium, boxing, badminton, marathon, event ski, host, track, gym, gymnastics, sweat),Phrases(come along, track and field, work out , make it),Sentences(Would you like to come along? Why don’t you...? I’d like to invite you to... Yes, I’d love to. That sounds like fun. That sounds like a great idea. Oh, sorry.I can’t. I have to... I’m sorry/afraid I can’t. I’d love to,but...) and learn to use appropriate language like these to invite and respond to an invitation. (2)Hear and talk about sports event(improve their speaking ability). (3)Learn the names of sports events. Learning Ability: (1)Get the?main?idea?of?the?dialogue. (2)Get key words and details. (3)Making calculation from information heard (4)Have cooperative learning ability. (5)Have different listening skills to solve different listening comprehensive problems. 3.Cultural Awareness: Learn about all kind of sports events and form right fitness and awareness. 4.Thinking Quality: (1)Develop their individual thinking ability (2)Develop their inference ability. Teaching Focus and Difficult Points Teaching Focus: Listen?to?the?main?idea?of?the?dialogue。 Master?the?names?of?the?sports?events?in?this?class. Learn to use appropriate language to invite and respond to an invitation. Teaching Difficult Point: Prompt Ss to talk about the related topics by using appropriate language, such as how to invite a friend to a sports event. Teaching Aids Multimedia;Pictures;Blackboard;Audio;football Teaching Methods PWP Teaching Procedures Teaching steps Activities Purpose Step1 warm-up (5mins) Play a game:pass soccer one by one. When monitor say ‘stop’, one with soccer in hand should answer my questions(Do it twice): Look at the picture and answer questions:①What is she doing? ②What sports and exercise do you like?③What do you think sports and exercise can do for you? Ask Ss to translate the sentence from Pierre de Coubertin. 3.Let Ss know their leaning objectives Animate atmosphere and let students focus on studying. Develop their individual thinking ability. Training their translation ability. Step2 Pre--listening (7mins) Lead Ss reading the content in the posters. In?this?process,?I will lead them reading the new words and the wo ... ...

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