
人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 4 Natural Disasters Period 1 Reading and Thinking (Ⅰ) 语篇研读课 课件(31张ppt)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:72次 大小:610304Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 4 Natural Disasters Period 1 Reading and Thinking (Ⅰ)语篇研读课 Ⅰ. 新词相知 (1)词义匹配 1. brick    (  )     A. n. 金属 2. crack (  ) B. n. 电;电流 3. context (  ) C. n. 砖;砖块 4. revive (  ) D. n. 上下文;语境;背景 5. metal (  ) E. vt. &vi. 复活;(使)苏醒 6. electricity (  ) F. n. 裂纹;裂缝 答案: 1. C 2. F 3. D 4. E 5. A 6. B 自主素养储备 (2)词块摘录 1. _____      在井壁上 ? 2. _____ 紧张得无法进食? 3. _____ 寻找藏身之处? 4. _____ 八千米长? 5. _____ 三分之二的人? 6. _____ 像秋天的红叶? 7. _____ 成千上万头牛? in the well walls be too nervous to eat look for places to hide eight kilometres long two thirds of the people like red autumn leaves thousands of cows 8. _____ 提供医疗救护? 9. _____ 再次站起来? 10. _____ 在灾难时刻? provide medical care get up on its feet again in times of disaster (3)单词拼写 1. When I read English, I am often _____(陷入) in the unknown words. 2. We must _____(统一) our ideas and actions in our daily life. 3. Roads were _____(埋葬) by stones and bricks after the flood. 4. Because of the volcanic eruption, the air here is hard to _____(呼吸). 5. To us students, it’s more important to own a key to opening the gate of _____ (智慧). trapped unify buried breathe wisdom 6. It’s said that most Chinese students are _____(遭受) from poor eyesight. 7. We must make every _____(努力) to make our world better. 8. To realize the great _____(振兴) of the Chinese nation is the dream of the great Chinese nation. suffering effort revival Ⅱ. 短语熟记 选择合适的短语并用其适当形式填空 1. We can gain some time if we _____this field. ? 2. Settled in a friendly way, their quarrel _____. ? 3. The small beautiful city, after the flood, lay _____. ? 4. After her death, I felt ____something were missing in my life. ? as if; in ruins; in shock; as usual; cut across; come to an end; get up on one’s feet cut across came to an end in ruins as if 5. I’m afraid the little woman is too weak to _____. ? 6. I’m _____to hear the news that you are the only survivor of the car accident. ? 7. All students are required to come to school on Sunday afternoon _____. ? get up on her feet in shock as usual 课文浅触 速览课文, 理清文章结构并填空 Step 1 Pre-reading Ⅰ. The following pictures described an earthquake. Now please fill in the blanks with proper words. 探究素养提能 Picture A: The city lay __ _____. Picture B: The soldiers were _____ under the ruins. Picture C: Many buildings ___ _____. Picture D: __ _____ _____ __ people lost their homes. Picture E: Many roads were _____. Picture F: Many people were _____or _____. in ruins rescuing fell down A great number of destroyed killed injured Ⅱ. Look at the title and guess what the text is about. The text is about _____. ? Step 2 While-reading Ⅰ. Scan the text and choose the best answer. What order is the text written? A. Time.  B. Space.  C. Feelings.  D. Numbers. 答案: A a big earthquake that happened in Tangshan Read the text carefully and fill in the form below. ... ...

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