

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:41次 大小:1666273Byte 来源:二一课件通
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本溪市2020~2021学年(下)期末教学质量测试 七年级英语试卷 参考答案及评分标准 --5 ACABC 6--10 CBABB 11--15 BCACB 21--25 BDCDC 26--30 BDBAA --35 CDDAD 36--40 BCAEF 56--60 BCADC 61--65 DCBDA 76--80 DCADC half an hour did the dishes because my / the homework was a little difficult played soccer Walked (home) How was your last weekend 42. Where did you go 43. What did you do (there) 44. How was the weather there / What was the weather like there 45. Would / Do / Can you like to go with / join us 46. of medium height 47. to save the / these animals in danger 48. blew out all the candles 49. is not playing the piano 50. either flies a kite / kites or goes to the cinema 51. There is a hospital across from our school 52. She is so good at English that we often learn from her 53. Do you often take a walk / walks after dinner with your parents 54. How long does it take you to walk to school every day 55. It’s important for us to play / do sports 66--75 different are wear or on study clothes our rules think 81. They have it before eight in the morning. 82. It’s an / one hour. 83. They get it / (their) lunch near their workplaces. 84. Yes, it does. 85. Four / 4 / They have four / 4 kinds of drinks with their meals. 86. (quite early) at about six 87. (some) food, fruit and water / something to eat and drink 88. by car 89. after lunch 90. from the (fruit) trees One possible version for the composition My friend in the neighbourhood I have a friend in the neighbourhood. His name is Li Liang. He is a tall boy with glasses and he likes reading books. Last Sunday we did our homework together in the morning. We played sports after that. In the afternoon we went to the cinema to see an interesting movie. We walked and talked about our school and study after dinner in the neighbourhood. What a good weekend we had!

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