
Unit 5 I have long arms Lesson20 表格式教案

日期:2024-05-08 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:42次 大小:31539Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课题 Unit 5 I have long arms (3) 教学目标 教学目标: 1.在谈论“动物的外貌特征”这一话题时,运用句型“It has...” “What animal is it?” “Do you have...?”和相关形容身体部位的词汇交流。 2.正确朗读含有字母u的单词,了解字母u在开音节中的发音规律。 3.能够谈论不同动物的不同外貌特征。 教学重点: 1.在谈论“动物的外貌特征”这一话题时,运用句型“It has...” “What animal is it?” “Do you have...?”和相关形容身体部位的词汇交流。 2.正确朗读含有字母u的单词,了解字母u在开音节中的发音规律。 教学难点: 在情境中使用本单元重点句型,谈论不同小动物的不同外貌特征。 教学过程 时间 教学环节 主要师生活动 Step One: Review the lessons Step Two: Tasks of helping tadpoles find their mum Step Three: Homework 师生问好后,教师呈现本课课题,并提示学生准备好英语书。 Activity 1: Review the dialogues in Unit 5 课件呈现本单元前三课时的动画,引导学生复习对话内容。 1.呈现Guoguo在家画画,Kate猜是什么动物的场景。 复习功能句型“It has...What’s this?” “It’s a/an...” 2.呈现Guoguo在学校画画,LaLa猜是什么动物的场景。 复习功能句型“It has...What animal is it?” “Is it small?” “Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t.” 3.呈现猴子和袋鼠,大象各自谈论自己身体部位的场景。 复习功能句型“Do you have...?” “Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.” 【设计意图】复现课本中的情境,帮助学生在情境中复习三个课时的对话,聚焦本单元主要功能句型。 Activity 2:Review the pronunciation of letter u 复现字母u在开音节单词中发音的绘本故事。 T: In phonics time, we read two interesting stories. The first one is about the cute dog. Another story is about the cute girl. We know letter u is pronounced /ju:/. 【设计意图】通过复习含有字母u发音的绘本故事,总结字母u在开音节中的发音规律。 一、呈现小蝌蚪找妈妈的闯关任务 T: Spring comes. The tadpoles can't find their mum. What does their mum look like? Let's help them. 二、引领学生完成任务 Task1: “Look and Read” “Listen and Number” “ Match and say” 第一关情景:小蝌蚪碰到鸭妈妈,鸭妈妈给出第一关任务。 1.Look and Read. 播放触摸身体部位游戏视频,复习身体部位词 T: First, let's look and read. This is a cute girl. She is playing a touching game. Let's play with her. 词汇内容:eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hair, hands学生依次读出单词。 2. Listen and Number.(对应教材第48页的Listen and number) T: 同学们请认真听一听。这只小狗是按照什么样的顺序介绍自己的身体部位,把相应的数字写在方框里。 Are you ready? Let's listen. (完整一遍) Listen again. (再听一遍) Now let's check. 3.Match and say.(对应教材第48页的Match and say) T: Look! There are many animals in the forest. They are talking about parts of their bodies, too. Please match and say the sentences. 完成第一项任务后,鸭妈妈给出线索1:Your mum has big eyes. 【设计意图】通过趣味化游戏,使学生在轻松愉悦的氛围中巩固有关动物和身体部位词汇, 并以听力理解的方式反馈巩固, 为后面的语言交际做铺垫。 Task 2: “Talk and Act” 第二关情景:小蝌蚪碰到金鱼,金鱼给出第二个任务。 Step One呈现第一幅图 1. 功能句型小检测: T: The little girl is Linda. Mum takes her to the amusement park. She sees a cartoon animal. She doesn't know what animal it is. She asks, “What is ... ...

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