
北京版小学英语六年级 口语大赛试题(含答案及听力音频,材料)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:66次 大小:2223473Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    北京市口语大赛模拟试题答案(注:本套题为模拟试题,所有的题目都为模拟材料,是本人原创,不存在版权问题,谢谢!) Section A: 独立演讲 以Chinese culture 为主题,进行演讲,时长为一分钟以内。 One possible version: China has a very long history,whose culture is various and splendid. Today, I ’m going to share “paper-cuts”,one of our Chinese excellent traditional culture, with all of you. It is said that paper-cuts has a history of more than 2,000 years. It is made of red paper. The red paper is folded before it is cut with scissors. The most common pictures in paper cutting are flowers, animals and some Chinese characters. During the Spring Festival, paper-cuts are put on windows, walls and doors as symbols of wishes for good luck. In Chinese weddings, the paper-cuts of the Chinese character “Xi”can be seen everywhere because "Xi" is associated with happiness in Chinese culture. I’m so proud of this treasure and I hope some other traditional arts can also be inherited. -- Section B. 才艺展示(略) Section C. 命题即兴演讲 Persuade(劝说,说服) your father to quit(退出,放弃,辞职) his job so that he could better take care of you. 1. Mom has worked very hard and she can earn much money. Father can quit his job and spend more time with me because I feel very lonely.. 2. Father is good at solving problems. Children who grow up with fathers are better able to solve problems. 3. When father takes good care of me, the relationship between father and mother will also be better because father is lightening the burden on mother. Persuade your teacher not to assign too much homework for you are always very tired. 1. I’m always very tired. I sleep for only seven hours every day because I have to do a lot of homework, which is harmful to my health. 2. Too much paperwork isn’t necessary. Our teacher can assign some other homework such as doing a research and doing some experiments. They are more meaningful and helpful to develop students’ interest. 3. After-school activities are also important. Take me as an example, I also have horse-riding course. Doing too much homework is a waste of time. -- Section 4 辩论演讲 Do you think an intelligent friend is a good friend for you? A. Yes, he/she is B. No, he/ she isn’t. One possible version:   In my point of view, many characteristics can make a good friend. Nevertheless, owning an intelligent friend can benefit you in many ways.   First, an intelligent friend can share your problems and help you deal with them rationally and properly. Are you very sad because of something? An intelligent friend is able to tell you the order to finish them. Do you have any trouble with other people? Tell your friend and he will find out the most appropriate way to satisfy you and the other friend of yours. Just like what I have said before, if you had a friend who is intelligent, he could calm you down and quickly find the way to rescue you.   Second, you can also learn a lot of things from an intelligent friend who can als ... ...

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