

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:62次 大小:35073Byte 来源:二一课件通
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11633200114808001.她父亲差不多6年没有回来了。 Her father_____?back for about six years. 2.扎龙自然保护区是个观鸟的极佳地方。 Zhalong Nature Reserve is _____. 3.一只蜜蜂正在花丛里忽上忽下地飞着。. A bee is flying _____ among the flowers. 4.一小时前我们分组讨论了此事。 An hour ago we_____ it in groups. 5.他们在建造这座桥上花了整整一年的时间。 They_____ the whole year_____ this bridge. 6.我们应该像他们一样互相帮助。 We should _____like them. 7.你们相处得好吗? Are you _____well with each other? 8.现在流行长裙。 The long skirts are _____ now. 9.我希望你能够实现你的梦想。 I hope your dream can _____. 10.史密斯先生靠卖服装为生。 Mr. Smith _____? a living by _____? clothes. 11.北京一游使我大开眼界。 The visit to Beijing_____my eyes. 12.你们应该尽快学会独立。 You should_____?_____?_____?_____soon. 13.这就是我没赶上火车的原因。 _____I didn't catch the train. 14.我妹妹感冒了,没有去上学。 My sister_____ and didn't go to school. 15.不要吃太多快餐食品,它对你的健康有害。 Don't eat too much fast food. It _____to your health. 16.他太累了,不能跑了。 He's_____. 17.她有两个孩子,她每天带他们散步。 She has got two children.She _____every day. 18. 他以前读过那本书。 He_____?that book before. 19.栽树时,我们首先要挖一个坑。 We should_____first when planting a tree. 20. 尽管雨下得很大,我们仍然前进。 Although it was raining hard, we were still_____. 21.因为一直用生面团干活,他的双手很粗糙。 His hands are rough because he works with dough_____. 22. 不要彼此争吵,你们应该找到一个合适的方法来解决问题。 Don't _____.You should find a proper way to solve the problem. 23. 我们学校的学生数超过2000。 The number of our school's students is_____2,000. 24. 他了解中国的历史越多,就越想生活在这里。 _____ he learns history about China, _____ he wants to live here. 25. 不要让电脑游戏占据了你的生活。 Don't let computer games _____ your life. 26. 我们除了先完成作业别无选择。 We _____?_____?finish our homework first. 27.对你来说也更容易长时间对它集中注意力。 It is also _____you to _____it for a long time. 28.约翰的父母亲买房子花光了所有的钱了。(run) John's parents _____ all the money to buy the house. 29.虽然她的父母不和她在一起,但是她从不感到孤独。(feel) Although her parents don't stay with her, she never _____. 30.振作起来?, 我想我们将会通过这次英语考试。(cheer) _____, I think we'll pass the English exam. 31.当我进入房间时,我发现他正在浏览一本杂志(look) When I came into the room, I found him _____ a magazine. 32.使我吃惊的是?, 昨天我们竟然赢了这场篮球比赛。(surprise) _____, we won the basketball game yesterday. 33.安娜刚刚完成了读书。(finish) Anna _____ the book just now. 34.我们需要想出一个好的主意告诉人们这件事情。(come) We need to _____ a good idea to tell people about it. 35.吉米像他的妈妈。(take) Jimmy _____ his mother. 36.一个11岁的孩子怎么能算出这道数学题呢? How can?_____child _____?the maths problem? 37.这些教育光盘在哪些国家有售? Which countries are these _____?CD-ROMs _____?_____? 38.起先,我原以为我将不能通过考试。 _____, I thought?I can’t pass ... ...

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