
2022届高考英语暑假语法写作专题练(Day 16)—湖南专版(含答案与解析)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:13次 大小:45568Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2022高考英语暑假语法写作专题练(Day 16)—湖南专版 目录 内容 Exercise 1 语法填空两篇 Exercise 2 应用文写作2篇 Exercise 3 读后续写训练 Exercise 1 语法填空训练 (A) Certainly, there are many nonverbal 1 .(clue) that have completely different meanings in different cultures. One of the most important means of nonverbal communication in any culture 2. (be) eye contact. Eye contact, 3 .simply refers to one person looking another person in the eye, seems to have strong implications in almost every culture though these implications vary 4 .(wide) across the globe! What does eye contact mean in the United States? Here, if you have good eye contact with a person, it generally implies that you are 5. (concern) with what that person is saying. If you look down or away from a person rather than meeting him or her, you are considered to be either unfocused 6. uninterested in him or her. Also, if you refuse 7. (meet) eye contact with a person, you may be considered to lack 8. (confident). On the other hand, a person who makes eye contact with another person 9. (think) to be confident and bold and courage is always considered a good quality! So, 10. summary, making eye contact is generally considered a good thing in the United States. (B) At Harvard University’s Sanders Theater, four Nobel laureates(获奖者) wait on stage to present awards. 1.(hold) annually at Harvard, the Ig Nobel Prize honor 10 achievements—usually scientific research that first 2.(make) people laugh, and then think. Science is often seen 3.a formal discipline(学科) in which researchers study weighty questions. “The 4. (tradition) view is that if there is science and laughter together, something’s wrong. And in fact, it’s almost the opposite,” says Marc Abrahams, founder of the Ig Nobels. Quirky(古怪的) questions and simple curiosity can drive more serious scientific 5.. (breakthrough). “Scientists are really kids. They’re the ones 6.are really curious. That’s an important aspect of science,” says Dudley Herschbach, who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1986. Some of the most famous scientists in history have shown that curiosity about the world around them. Charles Darwin, for example, conducted 7.he called “fool’s experiment.” Sometimes exploratory research can 8.(eventual) lead to big discoveries, too. John O’Sullivan didn’t aim at 9.(shake) the world with the backbone of modern Wi-Fi when he set out to make observations that would test the theory of black holes. “Scientific research is not inventing new science to explain these phenomena,” says an Ig Nobel Prize 10.(win). “It’s using the science that’s been in your head in a way that you didn’t expect to.” Exercise 2 应用文写作训练 (A) 随着我国经济的高速发展,人们的生活越来越富足,同时浪费粮食的情况也越来越严重,中国政府此时重提“光盘运动”。请你就这个话题谈谈你的观点,内容需包括: 1. 简单陈述你的观点; 2. 通过描述一个实例来证明你的观点。 (B) 假定你是李华,鉴于目前乘坐私家车上学的情况比较 ... ...

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