
2022届高考英语暑假语法写作专题练(Day 20)—湖南专版(含答案与解析)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:60次 大小:46592Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2022高考英语暑假语法写作专题练(Day 20)—湖南专版 目录 内容 Exercise 1 语法填空两篇 Exercise 2 应用文写作2篇 Exercise 3 读后续写训练 Exercise 1 语法填空训练 (A) The long goodbye Why was it so difficult to agree on a Brexit (英国脱欧) deal?-The border and "backstop". When does 1. (certain) become the worst condition at all? This fall, more than three years after Britain voted to leave the European Union, no one was sure what form Brexit would take, what kind of relationship they would have with the nearest neighbors, 2. whether the whole thing could still 3. (call) off. Theresa May, the first Conservative Prime Minister with the job of taking the United Kingdom out of the EU, had been forced 4. (step)down at the end of July, 2019. May had spent two years negotiating 5. exit deal with the other twenty-seven members of the EU, only to fail to get it 6. (approve) by Parliament. May’s attempts to contain the opposing forces in the country-the frightening 7. (economy) consequences of doing so-did not work. She ended up 8. (lose) her majority in Parliament and crafting a compromise with the EU, 9. satisfied nobody. The second, Boris Johnson, did not seem trustworthy. He wanted to rid May’s agreement, but there didn’t seem to be time to start over. He insisted that Britain would leave anyhow. “No ifs or 10. (but)”, Johnson said, outside No.10 Downing Street in his inaugural (就职的) speech. The shape of the future is now visible. The uncertainty has moved away. The worst is most likely yet to come. (B) You may often see young people in Asian countries wear their masks in public. What makes them do so? Asians often wear face masks to prevent one’s own germs or sickness from spreading in public places. In many Asian countries, people value collectivism, 1. means they will try their best to make a 2.(contribute) to their group. Amid the novel coronavirus outbreak, Asians will wear masks to prevent both 3.(they) and others from being infected which will ultimately benefit the whole group. Apart from physical protection, masks4.(evolve) into social firewalls among young people in Asian countries already as well. Young people are more concerned about their privacy than their parents and grandparents. In public such as on a crowded subway, 5. (hide) their faces with masks can sometimes help them gain some privacy. For some young girls, wearing masks can give them confidence and 6. sense of security when they don’t have enough time to do makeup. 7.this reason, wearing masks has become a fashion trend among young people. They wear them, along with audio headsets, to signal a lack of desire 8. (communicate) with those around them, according to Quartz. Not only 9. (use) to prevent the spread of disease, masks have indeed made their way into the mainstream and are here to stay in Asian 10. (country). Exercise 2 应用文写作训练 (A) 假如你是学生会主席李华,你校为积极响应落实习近平总书记有关厉行节约,反对浪费的精神,学生会将举办一次以“ ... ...

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