
Module 8 My future life 核心知识讲解+练习(含答案)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:69次 大小:53845Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 3 词形变换 1. hang v. → hung (过去式)→ hung (过去分词) 2. educate v. → education n. 3. speech n. → speeches (复数) 4. kindness n. → kind adj. → kindly adv. 5. disappointed adj. → disappoint v. → disappointment n. 6. friend n. → friendship n. → friendly adj. 7. rise v. → rose (过去式) → risen (过去分词) 8. silly adj. → foolish (同义词) → stupid (同义词) 9. memory n. → memories (复数) 10. happy adj. → happiness n. 常用词组 1. match one’s clothes 与某人衣服相配 2. a vocational school 一所职业学校 3. in modern society 在现代社会 4. the sort of... 那种…… 5. be happy about... 对……感到满意 6. a bright future 光明的未来 7. be most interested in sth. 对某事最感兴趣 重点句型 1. But we are also excited about taking a new step in our lives. 但是我们也为将要步入人生新的阶段而兴奋。 2. The future is what you make it! 未来由你自己创造! 3. Mark Smith is a student at a vocational school—a school where people learn how to do many of the jobs that are needed in modern society. 马克·史密斯是一所职业学校的学生,在那个学校人们学习如何做许多现代社会所需要的工作。 4. I’m the sort of person who is good at making things with my hands. 我是那种擅长用双手做东西的人。Unit 1 常用词组 1. refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事 2. a great beat 很棒的节奏 3. a bit noisy 有点吵 4. intend to do sth. 打算做某事 5. hope so 希望如此 6. even if 即使 7. high school education 高中教育 8. on the menu 在菜单上 9. let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 10. raise glasses 举杯 11. make a speech 发表演讲 12. wish for... 为……祝福 13. for long 长久 14. fetch sth. to eat 取些东西吃 重点句型 1. I don’t know when we’ll be back in this hall together again. 我不知道我们何时才能再次相聚在这个大厅。 2. They make the hall look wonderful. 它们使大厅看起来非常棒。 3. Do you intend to stay in China for long, Tony? 托尼,你打算长时间待在中国吗? 4. ...even if I go back to the UK, I’ll come back and visit you all. ……即使我回到英国,我还会回来看你们大家的。 5. Let’s raise our glasses. Here’s to our friendship, everyone... and to the future! 让我们举杯。为我们的友谊,为我们每个人……以及为未来干杯! 6. Let’s fetch something to eat. 让我们去取些吃的东西吧。Unit 2 常用词组 1. three groups of... 三组…… 2. laugh at 嘲笑;对……一笑置之 3. no success without effort 没有努力就没有成功 4. give up 放弃(努力) 5. try one’s best 尽某人最大的努力 6. whatever else 无论别的什么 7. work hard at... 努力学…… 8. wake up 醒来 9. at one’s bedside 在某人的床边 10. the last three years 过去的三年 11. learn from... 向……学习 12. write to sb. in reply 写信回复某人 13. stay in touch 保持联系 14. good luck for... 祝……好运 15. not only... but (also)... 不但……而且…… 16. have one’s own memory 拥有某人自己的记忆 重点句型 1. These roses are to thank three groups of people for the three most important things that I have learnt. 这些玫瑰用来表达对三组人的谢意,因为我(从他们那里)学到了最重要的三件事。 2. You only really lose if you give up! 如果你放弃,你才真的失败了! 3. ...thanks to the ... ...

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