
外研版英语八年级上册Module 8 Accidents重难点知识归纳总结

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:16次 大小:20181Byte 来源:二一课件通
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外研版英语八年级上册 Module 8? 【重点单词】? 1.pale [pe?l] adj. (肤色)苍白的? 2.appear [?'p??] v. 出现;显露? 3.round [ra?nd] prep. 转到(某物的)另一边? 4.corner ['k??n?] n. 拐角;街角? 5.hit [h?t] v.(使)碰撞? 6.glad [gl?d] adj. 高兴的;欢喜的? 7.risk [r?sk] n. 危险;风险? 8.attention [?'ten??n] n. 注意力? 9.side [sa?d] n.(物体或形状的)侧面? 10.bite [ba?t] v. 咬;叮? 11.climb [kla?m] v. 爬;攀爬? 12.hide [ha?d] v. 躲;躲藏? 13.throw [θr??]?v. 扔;掷? 14.fridge [fr?d?] n. 冰箱? 15.pain [pe?n] n. 痛;疼痛? 16.worse [w??s] adj. 更糟的;更坏的adv. 更糟;更严重? 17.medicine ['medsn] n. 药;药物? 【重点短语】? 1. in time ?及时 ??????? 2. fall off ?从……摔下? 3. pay attention ?留意,注意 ??????????????????????? 4. side by side ?并肩;并排? 5. all the time ?总是,一直???????????????????? 6. climb out ?爬出来? 7. pick up ?捡起??? 8. get worse ?变得更糟? 9. in great pain ?处于巨大的痛苦中 ????????????????? 10. call people ?给人们打电话? 11. play music ?播放音乐 ?????????????????????????? 12. take photos ?照相? 13. look at ?看 ????? 14. start with ?以……开始? 15. make sure ?确定 ?????????????????????????????? 16. next to ?在……旁;挨着? 17. get hurt ?受伤 ????? 18. take off ?起飞? 19. make a quick decision ?做出快速的决定? 【重点句型】? 1. While the lights were changing to red, a car suddenly appeared.? 当交通灯正要变红时,一辆小车突然出现。? 2.I was waiting to cross the road.? 我正等待过马路。? 3. And the driver was talking on his mobile phone.? 司机正用他的手机打电话。? 4. So when you’re on your bike, think about the risk of an accident!? 所以当你骑自行车时,想想发生事故的风险!? 5. Don’t ride side by side with your friends.? 不要和你的朋友并排骑车。? 6. As he was lying there in great pain...? 当他痛苦地躺在那里……? 7.The car stopped just in time, but the boy fell off his bike…? 小汽车及时停了下来,但是男孩从自行车上摔了下来……? 8. Pay attention, stop at the red lights and …what else?? 注意,红灯处要停下来……还有什么?? 9. I was trying to pick it up when it bit me again.? 我正试图捡起它(那条蛇),突然它又咬了我一口。? 10. I threw it across the kitchen, and it landed on a table.? 我把它扔向厨房,它掉落在了桌子上。? 11.—You look pale. Are you all right?? 你看起来脸色苍白。你还好吗?? —I’m OK. But I saw an accident.? 我很好。但是我看见了一个事故。? 12.I was walking along the street when the accident happened.? 当事故发生时,我正在街上走。

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