
冀教版英语八年级上册Unit 6 Go with Transportation! 重难点知识归纳总结

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:70次 大小:22123Byte 来源:二一课件通
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冀教版英语八年级上册 Unit 6 Go with Transportation!? 【重点单词】? 1.transportation /?tr?nsp???te??n/ n.交通;运输? 2.hometown /?h??mta?n/ n.故乡;家乡? 3.Britain /?br?tn/ 英国(地名)? 4.seldom /?seld?m/ adv.罕见;不常;难得? 5.rapid /?r?p?d/ adj.快速的? 6.steam /sti?m/ n.蒸汽? 7.engine /?end??n/ n.发动机;引擎? 8.wheel /wi?l/ n.车轮;轮子? 9.born /b??n/ v.出生;诞生;产生(仅用于被动语态)? 10.passenger /?p?s?nd??(r)/ n.乘客? 11.railway /?re?lwe?/ n.铁路? 12.most /m??st/ adj.(many或much的最高级)大多数的 adv. (much的最高级)最 n. 最大量;最多数? 13.station /?ste??n/ n.站;所;车站? 14.easily /?i?z?li/ adv.容易地? 15.standard /?st?nd?d/ n.标准;规格? 16.speed /spi?d/ n.速度? 17.per /p?(r); p??(r)/ prep.每,每一? 18.wing /w??/ n.翅膀? 19.pull /p?l/ v.拉;拖? 20.cart /kɑ?t/ n.手推车? 21.skateboard /?ske?tb??d/ n.滑板? 22.able /?e?bl/ adj.能,能够(用作情态动词)? 23.power /?pa??(r)/ v.驱动;推动 n.能量;力量? 24.machine /m???i?n/ n.机器;机械? 25.space /spe?s/ n.空间;太空;距离? 26.spaceship /?spe?s??p/ n.宇宙飞船? 27.imagine /??m?d??n/ v.想象;想到? 28.environment /?n?va?r?nm?nt/ n.环境? 29.presentation /?prezn?te??n/ n.介绍;陈述? 30.invention /?n?ven?n/ n.发明;创造? 31.backpack /?b?kp?k/ n.背包? 32.cardboard /?kɑ?db??d/ n.硬纸板? 33.fuel /?fju??l/ n.燃料? 34.oil /??l/ n.油;石油? 35.probably /?pr?b?bli/ adv.大概;很可能;也许? 36.imagination /??m?d???ne??n/ n.想象;想象力? 37.hoverboard /?h?v?rb??rd/ n.飞翔器? 38.smooth /smu??/ adj.平稳的;光滑的;平坦的? 39.float /fl??t/ v.漂浮? 40.transporter /tr?n?sp??rt?r/ n.运输车;输送器? 41.allow /??la?/ v.允许? 42.form /f??m/ n.形式;形状? 43.pedal /?pedl/ n.踏板 v.踏……踏板;骑自行车? 44.than /??n; ??n/ conj.比? 45.energy /?en?d?i/ n.能量? 【重点短语】? 1.on foot 走路? 2.be born 出生;产生;形成? 3.get on/off 上/下(车、船等)? 4.be able to 能;能够? 5.take a train 坐火车? 6.across the ocean 漂洋过海? 7.by ship 乘船? 8.by plane 坐飞机? 9.take a plane 坐飞机? 10.put... together 把……和……放在一起? 11.the beginning of ……的开始? 12.be good for 对……有益? 13.stay up late 熬夜? 14.turn on 打开(电脑、收音机、电视等)? 15.all the time 一直;向来? 16.jump into 跳进,跳入? 17.at the speed of 以……的速度? 18.from now on 从现在起? 19.think of 想起;记起? 20.jump down 跳下? 【重点句型】? 1.How do you travel? 你怎么旅行?? 2.Of course, but it would take a long time to go from Canada to Britain. 当然,但是从加拿大到伦敦需要花费很长时间。? 3.People built many train stations to help passengers get on and off the trains easily. 人们建造了许多火车站来帮助乘客方便地上下火车。? 4.Maybe trains will have no wheels in the future. 也许未来火车会没有轮子。? 5.Then steam was able to power boats and cars. 然后蒸汽可以为轮船和汽车提供动力。? 6.It’s good for my health and for the environment. 这对我的健康和环境都有好处。? 7.Last night, Danny stayed up late to make his invention. 昨晚,丹尼熬夜做他的发明。? 8.To go ten kilometres, you need ten donuts. 要走十公里,你需要十个油炸圈饼。? 9.Today, it takes eleven hours t ... ...

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