
广东省深圳市2020-2021两年中考一年模拟一 完形填空 (原卷+解析卷)

日期:2024-06-25 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:25次 大小:2757632Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 广东省深圳市2020-2021两年中考一年模拟一 完形填空 原卷 一、两年中考 ㈠ 2020年广东省深圳市中考英语试题 A?group?of?boys?stood?around?a?tree.?"What?a?tall?tree!”?they?said?to?each?other,?"It would be? 16 ?to climb?to?the?top!” The?group?of?boys?then?decided?to?play?a?game?to 17 who?could?climb?to?the?top?of?the?tree?first. Their?mothers?were?sitting?not?far?away, looking?on?at their 18 ?as?they?played. One?of?the?climbers?was?an?8-year-old?boy?named?David.?He?was?the?shortest?child?in?the?group 19 ?thought?he?would?win. ??????Then?the?game?started.?All?of?the?boys?tried?their?best?to?climb?as?high?as?they?could.?Although the other?boys?climbed?faster?than?David?in?the?beginning, he 20 the top of the tree fastest in the end. His?mother was 21 .She?asked?him,?"David, how?did?you?reach?the?top?of?the?tree so 22 ??” “It was?easy,” David?said,?“The?other?children 23 looking?down?as?they?climbed. When they realized?how?high?they?were.?they?were?afraid?of? 24 . I,?however,?looked?only?up.?When?I saw?how?close I?was,?I?kept?going?higher?and?higher? 25 I?reached?the?top.” It?is?true?in?life?that?if?we?just?keep?going?forward?without?looking?back,?we?are?more?likely?to?reach our?goals. 16. A. boring B. exciting C. dangerous 17. A. believe B. think C. see 18. A. students B. children C. teachers 19. A. Nobody B. Somebody C. Everybody 20. A. got up B. got on C. got to 21. A. proud B. worried C. frightened 22. A. carefully B. quickly C. quietly 23. A. kept B. avoided C. practiced 24. A. taking down B. falling down C. calming down 25. A. if B. after C. until ㈡ 2021年广东省深圳市中考英语试题 It started 30 years ago with a squirrel. A few months after I had moved into a downtown ____1____ my next-door neighbor, Nicole Figaro, knocked, asking for help with a squirrel that had gotten into her flat. I frightened the unexpected ____2____ away and made a new friend. Soon Nicole was inviting me over for dinner or ____3____ home-made food at my door. When I went to my beach house, Nicole helped ____4____ my mail and water my plants. And when she traveled as a flight attendant, I did the same for her. Wherever she went, she’d ____5____ to bring me wonderful gifts, but her smile has been the greatest of all. In 1997, I had a lovely child and it was Nicole who took care of me and him. Years later, I returned the favour. I helped out when her husband was sick, ____6____ her and giving her support. More and more, we drew inspiration from each other. ____7____, the pandemic hit. My husband was out of work and my son couldn’t be back to Britain because of the virus. I was ____8____ about them. Nicole helped my family to prepare for the pandemic and shared necessities with me. Without her, I couldn’t go through ____9____ times. A _____10_____ might separate our flats and masks can separate the viruses, but nothing is able to separate our hearts. 1. A. house B. flat C. street D. area 2. A. customer B. host C. guest D. enemy 3. A. selling B. ma ... ...

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