
Module 2 Unit 2 Cambridge is a beautiful city in the east of England. 导学案(无答案)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:38次 大小:34451Byte 来源:二一课件通
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module 2 unit2 学科:英语 年级: 八年级 课题:module 2 unit2 课 型 新课 课 时 1 主 备 学 习 笔 记 审 核 助学教师 使用学生 第一步:问题引领———教师“备助”设疑,激情引入 你能快速找出以下方向词的短语并写出意思吗? in the east of in the west of in the north of in the south of have a population of lots of such as be famous for be part of on the coast 第二步:互动探究———自助、求助、互助”,整合资源,探索技能 探索新知 1. Look at the map of England and read the sentences and find the places on the map. 1. Cambridge is in the east of England. 2. London is in the south of England. 3. Bristol is in the west of England. 4. Manchester is in the north of England. Then make a dialogue about the directions. Where is Manchester? — It is . — Where is London? — It is . 指出上面中国城市的位置。 Eg Shenyang is in the north of Cchina . Guangzhou . Shanghai . Chengdu Read the passage again and answer the questions. What’s its population of Cambridge? What’s Cambridge famous for? How old is London? What’s the weather like in England? Complete the passage with the words and expression in the box. England is part of a(n) (1)_____. It is famous for its beautiful green (2)_____ with (3)_____and lakes in the north, and hills and villages in the south. My (4)_____ is Cambridge, in the (5)_____ of England. It has lots of old buildings and churches, and a well-known (6)_____. It is smaller than (7)_____, which is in the (8)_____ of England. Answer the questions and write notes about your home town. 1. Where is it? 2. What’s its population? 3. Is it big or small? 4. What is it famous for? 5. How old is it? 6. What is the weather like? Possible answers My home town -- Dalian in the northeast of China over six million a big city famous for beaches, the Underwater World, the Bird Park and the P9olar Region Zoo over 100 years old warm in winter and hot in summer My home town is Dalian. It’s an important city in Liaoning Province in the northeast of China. It has a population of over six million. The city is over 100 years old. It has a lot of beautiful beaches like the Tiger Beach and the Bangchui Island Beach. Many people go there for holidays and for swimming every year. 第三步:反馈拓展———教师“补助”点评总结,提升知识与情感。学生“再助”查漏补缺,复习巩固。 Language points I came from Cambridge, a beautiful city in the east of England. in the east of…表示“在……的东方”。 类似的表达如下: in the west of…表示“在……的西方”。 in the south of…表示“在……的南方”。 in the north of…表示“在……的北方”。 介词on,in,to表方位区别 in表示在范围内,to表示范围之外,on表示范围之外但相连。 Shanghai is in the east of China. Shanghai is to the east of Sichuan. Chongqing is on the east of Sichuan . 2. It is on the river Cam and has a population of about 120,000. 1) on the river Cam 表示“在康桥河畔”, on表示在河的沿岸。 2) have a population of …表示“有……人口”。指人口的多少用large或small。 3. There are lots of old buildings and churches to visit. lots of 表示“许 ... ...

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