
Unit 8 Happy New YearLetter, song, checkout 课件+素材 (32张PPT)

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:66次 大小:95962864Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 8 Happy New Year! Letter time, Song time & Checkout time Enjoy a song Learn the song 1 Read the whole song.(读整个歌曲) 2 3 Listen and repeat one sentence by one sentence with clapping hands.(边拍手边逐句跟唱) Sing with the computer quietly. Then sing loudly.(跟音频唱再大声唱) 生生讨论 Do a survey: What would you like for New Year/ Christmas? A: Happy New Year!/ Merry Christmas! B: … A: Would you like a/an …? B: No, thank you. A: What about …? B: Yes. It’s nice/great/ … Toy shop 调查你的同桌想要什么玩具作为礼物? A: What’s this? B: It’s a robot. A: What colour is it? B: It’s white. A: What about this? B: It’s a robot too. =What’s this? A: What colour is it? B: It’s black. 同桌选择一幅图,进行交流 同学们,这里面有一些礼物是送给我的,让我们听一听,把正确的序号写在方框内哦! b a b a Let’s dub Let’s dub Let’s dub z z z 同学们,我们现在到了字母森林里了,这里有很多字母你能读出来吗? 森林里还藏着3个字母,你能找到吗? z z z Xx Yy Zz learn to write learn to say ox 公牛 yawn 打哈欠 zipper 拉链 Which letter do you like best? 你最喜欢的是哪个字母? 选一个你喜欢的字母,看看它的后面会出现什么? Do you know Different festivals in China and Western countries 中国和西方国家不同的传统节日 ? 当 遇上 Topic: 当New Year遇上Christmas 会发生什么呢? New Year l_nt_ _ns d_mpl_ngs f_recr_kers l_ _n d_ nce a e r u i i a i o a 灯笼 饺子 爆竹 舞狮 Christmas t_ _key Christmas tr_ _ S_nt_ Cl_ _s b_ll u r e e a a a u e 火鸡 圣诞树 圣诞老人 铃铛 st_cking o 长筒袜 Paste couplets 贴春联、贴福字 Have a big dinner 吃年夜饭 Visit friends and relatives 走亲访友 Get some red packets 压岁钱 Set off fireworks 放烟花、爆竹 The lion and dragon dance 舞狮、舞龙 生生讨论 Culture time: New Year Vs. Christmas New Year Christmas Date日期 Name别称 Origin起源 Custom习俗 Food食物 Jan. / Feb. Spring Festival Demon Nian Paste couplets Have a big dinner Get red packets Set off fireworks The lion and dragon dance Visit friends and relatives … Christmas Day Thanksgiving Day Halloween Dragon Boat Festival Mid-Autumn Festival Spring Festival They're all popular! Copy the letters and have a dictation. Sing the song to parents. Do some exercises. (抄写字母并听写) (唱歌给父母听) (做一些练习) 谢谢 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) 中小学教育资源网站 有大把高质量资料?一线教师?一线教研员? 欢迎加入21世纪教育网教师合作团队!!月薪过万不是梦!! 详情请看: https://www.21cnjy.com/help/help_extract.php

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